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英文诗:A Lake With Thousand Islands, Canada
作者:梁晓纯  发布日期:2015-09-24 13:10:33  浏览次数:2518

         Once upon a time, this is not a legend tale

         For sure it happened in the history and is real

         A fascinating lake with more than 1000 islands

         Quietly lying under the sky and twinkling like pearls


         Until around several hundred years ago

         The vast lake with these islands was so beautiful

         The clear and green water shining with silver beams

         On the islands living different birds and animals


         Under the blue sky and the white clouds

         A kind of human being was sharing the crowd

         They were Indians called by Columbus later on

         Hiding in the bushes and living on the nature resources


         Then from another world came the western pioneers

         With their greedy task to find new treasures

         The native Indians’ peaceful home were threatened

         Finally the islands were occupied by the intruders


         Now all of these islands have been sold out

         The prices are so high climbing into the cloud

         Owning an island without even inhabiting on it

         Is a symbol of absolute wealth and power      



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