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作者:进生  发布日期:2017-01-05 08:21:02  浏览次数:2464


新年伊始,文友通过邮局送了一本新书给我。说是一本诗歌日历。打开一看,竟然是如此厚blob.png重的一本大书:诗 2017天天诗历 霍俊明 编。一年365天,汇编了365位诗人的诗作,极其简略的个人绍介,及或黑白、或彩色的小照;有俩叁位年长者,其余95%出生不晚过1984。自然地翻开第一天,想想那种勇气,以及编者自然会有的考虑,不会是由抓纸阄决定的:“新年的第一首诗” 署名: 娜夜。

读后,我想起了什么?《 老人与海》。老渔夫是谁?那条一百英尺深处的大马林鱼又意味什么?一个将生命交予大海,爱同大海对话的渔夫、一条寻找自己命运的鱼;机缘使老人与海有了内容---鱼才是故事的颜色。它在水下朝前游,带着伤痕和决心,要为生存自由而抗争,她不要离开自己的家园,她没有朝下沉;它机灵,没有跳出水来,跳出水来就没法回到深海。可那老渔夫硬拉它出了水面,便有了那样一个结局:它成了码头边一具白森森的骨架,哀伤的渔夫爱莫能助的勇敢的象征。


     Barely even friends, then somebody bends, unexpectedly。


如今的汉语诗歌,歌者像是幸运多了,诗人们转向了郊野荒原、高山白雪,转向了内省灵魂的多彩,转向了流水与大海:barely being scared is to say at least his day-life own;难见那种黄土地上带血喷薄的天问:“给我甘泉几滴,给我阳光几束,我将长成一棵参天大树”( 陈幼京)。这变化源自诗者灵魂的幸福感强烈多了。

    历来关注结局,我跟着便看了2017最后一天,那诗:“我们都在消逝的中心” 署名: 微雨含烟。 文字间有身处尘世的慈悲意,补裰呼应着“新年的第一首诗”。该是编辑有着巧思。



悉尼 西贝


宁静和隐秘的气息/也许并非符合想象/ 真实被几何形式切割/折射着抽象的影子

颈状的瓶 花朵/是一些叠起的菱形/它们的阴影交织/小心翼翼/想借强化的光线/穿透一条幽闭的通道/而时光疲惫 且局促不安/凝聚在堆起的颜色中

谦卑的事物也都是个谜/执著地在它们的位置上/形体越来越令人羞愧 /不祥的预言直达心底/你感觉要呕吐/可能需要的其实是睡眠/耳朵尖锐地疼痛/或许缺少的是一杯水 

穷极了所有的方式/难于启齿 永恒的迷团/而沉静 简约 淡到极致/


Mystery from shapes

Perhaps not accord with any of imaginations,

Of the dormant serenity-tinges

The true world cut by the geometry-forms refracts

Some abstract reflections.

In a neck-like bottle the flowers

Look like many different shades of rhombus,

Knitting together and together embraced with great care,

Pondered on borrowing a ray of light strengthened,

Penetrate through a dim-confined enter-close.

The times intranquil, all-too tired

Coagulating into a heap of colours

Though humble but also a mystery

Rigidly outcropped in their territory

The shapes of body seemed more and more in shy

Though ominous, the prophesy through heart

You feel like being vomit instead of sleeping that you really need

Though ears in sharp-pain, perhaps only a cup of water being wanted

Have tried all i could now

Everything harder to be said; the eternal mystery,

Becoming calmer, conciser, without a shade of a shadow

Is a love-soft warm-hearted territory

interpretation section注释条款

1.dormant: adj. 潜伏的,蛰服的,休眠的;静止的;权利尚待争取的。

2.serenity-tinge: 宁静的气息。

3.accord with :<正>与…相一致,与…相符合。


5.refract : vt. (使)折射。

6.abstract :adj. 抽象的,理论上的;难解的;抽象派的;茫然的 n. 抽象概念;抽象派艺术作品;摘要。



(1).If he painted it would be merely a time-killer.

(2).The shack was made of the tough bud-shields of the royal palm.

8. a neck-like bottle :颈状的瓶。

9.many different shades of rhombus:一些不同的菱形暗影。

10.knitting : knit 的现在分词形态;Knit: vt.& vi; 编织,编结;接合(折骨等);使皱起,使皱紧;使紧密相联 n. 编织物;编织法。

11.embrace : vt.& vi.拥抱vt.包括;包含;接受;信奉;n, 拥抱。

12. great care:小心翼翼。

【英语语法笔记】形式上动名词和现在分词是无法分辨的,但动名词是一个动词性的名词,可以用作名词的修饰语,此时, 动名词与它修饰的名词之间有连字符“-”,而分词是一种形容词,能够扩展成一个形容词从句。

(1).His playing of Rose subsequently improved too, becoming freer, warmer.《Resonating body》

(2). … Gazing upward into the seeming emptiness.《城堡》

13.ponder: vt. 思索,衡量 vi. 仔细考虑,沉思。

14.ray of light :光线。

15.penetrate : vt.vi. 穿透,刺入;渗入;秘密潜入;洞悉,明了。

16. dim-confined enter-close:幽闭的通道。

17.intranquil:adj. 不安的;杌陧(wunie):局势、心情等不安。

18.all-too :实在太……

19.coagulate: v(液体)凝结,凝固。

20.a heap of :一大堆,很多,大量。

21.though humble but also a mystery: 谦卑的事物也都是个谜。

22.rigidly:adv. 僵硬地;严厉地;严格地;固执地。

23.outcrop:n. 露出地面的岩层,露头; 露出; 岩石露头; 露出地面的岩层 。

24.seem: v. 好像。

25.ashamed:adj. 惭愧的,羞耻的,害臊的;难为情 。

26.though ominous, the prophesy through heart : 不祥的预言直达心底。

27.feel like :摸起来像是…,有…的感觉;想要…

【英语语法笔记】 类似“宾格不定式”的分词(常出现在see/hear/feel /find/make/want/get/like/…后面。这里-ing分词 是前面名词的宾语补语。有时,用物主代词时,后面的-ing 为动名词而已。

(1).I have been very heavy in my life, now I feel like being light.

(2).She always found the music boring.

(3).suppose a collector with a bill for paints, paper and canvas should, in traversing this route, suddenly meet himself coming back, without a cent having been paid on account!

28a shade of : 少许, 微微 ; without a shade of a shadow: 淡到极致;without a shade of…=none-too: 一点也不…

29a love-soft warm-hearted territory:一个温柔慰籍的空间。


A、逗号连接多个并列成分、一系列事物,最后的两个并列成分通常用and或or 连接,有时在and 和 or 前还加用逗号(但这一点存在争议,有些作家不认同)。

(1).Lilies-of-the-valley, violets, carnations, lavender, freesias...Madeleine could name them all, but I cannot.《A mirror for princes》

(2).The old man carried the mask on his shoulder and the boy carried the wooden box with the coiled , hard-braided brown lines, the gaff and the harpoon with its shaft.《The old man and the sea》

(3).The shack was made of the tough bud-shields of the royal palm which are called guano and in it there was a bed, a table, one chair, and a place on the dirt floor to cook with charcoal. .The old man and the sea


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