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书法长卷 经典诗词 英译解读(第二册)-5
作者:进生  发布日期:2017-06-07 21:02:52  浏览次数:1996


宋  柳永 (987-1053)  雨霖铃 

 寒蝉凄切,对长亭晚,骤雨初歇。都门帐饮无绪,方留恋处、兰舟催发。执手相看泪眼,竟无语凝噎。念去去、千里烟波,暮霭沉沉楚天阔。        多情自古伤离别,更那堪、冷落清秋节。今宵酒醒何处,杨柳岸、晓风残月。此去经年,应是良辰好景虚设。便纵有、千种风情,更与何人说。


柳永(987-1053),原名三变,字耆卿。少年时到汴京应试,由于擅长词曲,熟识歌妓,填词作曲,浪迹歌楼花巷。柳词盛行于市井巷陌,当时有人在仁宗面前举荐他,仁宗只批了四个字说:“且去填词”。从此, 柳词“晓风残月,滴粉揉酥”、 自称“奉旨填词柳三变”里未必没有自觉被“软埋”被迫江湖一世的流落感。



1、 寒蝉:秋天的蝉。 




Song: Liu-yong (987-1053)

Tune: Bells a-ringing In Rain

Cicadas shrilling send the autumn-chill sound

To the cold pavilion melancholy dusked,

While the shower ceased.

Out of the palace gate, canopied, drinking with lingering mind

We are reluctant to be parted

But the boatman in the wharf could wait no longer.

Touching each other fingers, see through tearful eyes,

Within sobbing - colored words congealed

Say go, go parting , departed sailing ahead

Along the thousand miles of sober waves a-prevailing upon evening mist

In Chu, solemn and obscurity , to the southern dream glowing land


When patting as of old,

Lovers would be in grief, we were told.

How could I be the needful one,

A-bearing the cold autumn day of old?

Tonight whereabouts I would be the one wine- awakened,

Moored the magnolia-boat close to a wild shore overhung with

 Scattered willows in restless wet breezy dawn

Beneath a waning moon motionless. Being gone patting for years,

There would be little room for the scenes of own devices. Even

 Having a poetical scene for a vow spoken in invocation of the moon

That whom could be whispered to over the years then?

Interpretation section注释条款

1、bells a-ringing in rain:雨淋铃。

2、cicada: n. 蝉。

3、shrill:adj.(声音)尖锐的;刺耳的; vt. 尖叫 vi. 尖叫,发出尖锐的声音。

4、autumn-chill sound:秋寒的声音。

5、pavilion: n. 亭,凉亭,; vt. 搭帐篷;笼罩;置…于亭中 。

6、melancholy :n. 忧郁;悲哀;愁思;adj. 忧郁的;凄凉的。

7、dusk:n. 黄昏,傍晚;暮色; 薄暮;幽暗 adj. 微暗的;变暗的;〈诗〉同dusky v. 变暗;使变暗 。

8、chill: vt.& vi: (使)变冷;使很冷;使冰冷;使恐惧 n. 寒冷,发冷;寒意;冷漠;扫兴;激冷 adj. 冷的;冷漠的;令人失望的 vt. 令失望;使沮丧;使扫兴;使消沉。

Cicadas shrilling send the autumn-chill sound to the cold pavilion melancholy dusked:=Chill-shrilling autumn cicadas a-nursing the cold pavilion melancholy dusked: 寒蝉凄切,对长亭晚(独立主词结构)。

9、while: conj. 在…期间;与…同时;虽然;而 n. (一段)时间 vt. 消磨,打发(时间)。

10、shower : n, 阵雨。

11、cease: vt.&vi:停止,终止,结束;n. 停止

12、palace : n. 宫殿;n. 宫,宫殿;华丽的娱乐场所。

13、canopy: n. 天篷,顶篷;雨篷;苍穹;树荫 v. 用华盖遮蔽 。

14、lingering : vi. 逗留,徘徊; 拖延; 蝴蝶飞。

15、reluctant: adj. 不情愿的,勉强的; 舍不得; 不愿意。

16、part:n. 部分;零件;参加;地区 vt. 使分裂;拆移;使分开 vi. 分开;分离;分岔 adv. 不完全地,部分地 。

17、magnolia: n. [植] 木兰;木兰花;玉兰类的植物 adj. 木兰科的.magnolia-boat:兰舟:据《述异记》载,鲁班曾刻木兰树为舟。后用作船的美称。

18、boatman: n. 艄公。

19、wharf:n. 码头,停泊处 v. 靠码头;把货卸在码头上。

20、sobbing:adj. 湿透的 v. 哭泣,啜泣( sob的现在分词 );哭诉,呜咽地说。

21、colored words:贴心的话。

22、congeal:vt.& vi: 使凝结,冻结;(指血)凝结 ,凝聚; 凝固。

Touching each other fingers, see through tearful eyes, within sobbing many- colored words congealed:执手相看泪眼,竟无语凝噎。“执手”二句,一说其语言通俗而感情深挚,形象逼真,是白描手法,所谓“语不求奇,而意致绵密”,绝妙无比;一说其浅近俚俗,近于秦楼楚馆之曲。宋人论词喜有雅俗之辨,柳词一向被判为“俗曲”。

23、depart: v. 离开,出发;离去;去世;离职;脱轨 。

24、sober: adj. 头脑清醒的,冷静的;未醉的,没喝醉的;有节制的;朴素的,素净的,冷清的; vt.& vi: (使)冷静,(使)清醒;使严肃;

sober waves: 冷清的波涛;stone-cold sober: 完全清醒。

25、say go,  go parting , departed ahead:念去去。

26、prevail: vi. 流行,盛行;获胜,占优势;说服,劝说.

27、solemn: adj. 庄严的;隆重的;犹豫的,阴沉的。

28、obscurity: n. 朦胧;晦涩;默默无闻;费解 。

Thousand miles of sober wave a-prevailing upon evening mist Of Chu,

solemn and obscurity, to the southern dream glowing land stretched:千里烟波(风吹浪涌融暮霭),暮霭沉沉楚天阔。

29、when patting as of old, Lovers would be in grief, we were told. 多情自古伤离别.

30、needful: n. 必要的事物;钱 ;adj:必要的;需要的;不可或缺的,必要的事;how could I be the needful one, a-bearing the cold autumn day of old time?更那堪、冷落清秋节。


31、whereabouts: adv. 在什么地方;靠近什么地方 n. 下落;行踪;去向; 在哪里。


33、moor: n. 荒野,旷野;沼泽;摩尔人;停泊,抛锚 vt.& vi. 使停泊;系住。

34、scattered:adj. 分散的;零散的;疏疏落落的;到处都是…的

35、breezy: adj. 有微风的,微风吹过的;通风好的;活泼的,轻松愉快的;  春花秋月未了情。

36、waning moon: 娥眉月,残月。

37、motionless: adj. 不动的,静止的;呆若木鸡的;不运动的。38、tonight whereabouts I would be the one wine- awakened, moored the magnolia-boat close to a wild shore overhung with scattered willows in restless wet breezy dawn beneath a waning moon motionless: 今宵酒醒何处,杨柳岸、晓风残月。.

38、being gone for years: 此去经年。

39、the scenes of own devices:随心所欲的景象,喻“良辰好景”;there would be little room for the scenes of own devices: 应是良辰好景虚设。

40、little:det. 微少的,少到几乎没有的(可用so,too,very修饰);(a little)少量的,一些;adj. 小的;琐碎的,幼小的 adv. 不多,略微;少许,一点;短时间地 n. (表示否定)微少;没有多少;短时间。

41、invocation:n. 祈祷;乞求;乞灵;乞求神助 。

 a poetical scene for a vow spoken in invocation of the moon:男女恋情,比喻千种风情。

42、whisper:vt. 低声说;私语;密谈;私下说 vi. 沙沙地响;耳语;密谈 n. 低语,耳语。


注意 when, while, though, until 位于主句之后,并且其前面有逗号,这时作为并列连词用,引出并列分句:when(而这时、而)、while(而)、although(though)(可是)、until(终于)。

例1、He must leave the omniscience of business at the door, when he comes into the palace of beauty.《Manners》R. W. 爱默生

例2、Cicadas shrilling send the autumn-chill sound to the cold pavilion melancholy dusked, while the shower ceased.《Bells a-ringing in rain》(while 前不打逗号也可以)

例3、How different is this marvel observed from a raft, from what it is when one observes it through the dingy window of a railway-station in some wretched village while he munches a petrified sandwich and waits for the train. 乘木筏漂流观赏壮丽的日出与等候在一个破败的村庄的火车站,嚼着干巴巴的三明治,透过脏兮兮的玻璃窗看到日出,这可是天壤之别!《Rafting Down the Neclkar 》Mark Twain 内卡河上木筏行 马克ž吐温

例4、it is nearly sun-setting; the rooks are skimming and curving over the tops of the trees; while, under the branches, I see a flock of several hundred sheep, coming nibbling their way in from the Down, and going to their fold. 此刻太阳快要下山,白嘴鸦在树梢上方滑翔盘旋;我看到林间树下有一群羊,大约几百只,边走边啃着沿途的草,从草地回它们的羊圈。《Rural Rides》 William Cobbett


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