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步出雷池·一個移民的旅程 (6)
作者:李潤輝  发布日期:2010-09-17 02:00:00  浏览次数:2024
哦,你最好快點。” William有點爲我著急。
你去了哪? Patrick修士盯著我說。
回到我的座位上,William 遞過來一張紙條安慰我:兩下是輕罰耳。
唯一不用籐條的修士是校長Brother John,他帶的是一條短而厚的皮鞭,它打在手上的痛楚是輕一點,而且不留下傷痕,但是我們被這個打的次數卻多很多,John修士教我們物理和化學,他在課堂上對提問一些刁棘的問題饒有興趣,值此鞭打那些回答得令他不滿意的同學。
什麼是磅達(pound mass)?什麼是磅重(pound weight)?什麼是Bantum Weight?下一個下一個下一個不,不是拳擊,下一個…”
John 修士鞭打時,他的臉上泛起光,露出放縱滿足的笑容,每課都幾乎沒有一個同學倖免。有一次,他甚至用六便士的罰金代替鞭打,傳言說他用這些錢去買酒喝,甚至有一次有傳言說,有人請John修士出外喝啤酒,他便是唯一曾經越出學校範圍而不受罰的學生。
聖十字架學校 (Holy Cross College) 的學生們以母校字母的縮寫 (HCC) 給它起了個別號,他們稱它做希特拉集中營”(Hitler’s Concentration Camp)。以後若干年,我在學校的日子經常在夢中出現,在夢裏我問自己:“為什麼我還在這兒?,然後當我醒來後,我安慰自己說那兩年是我人生中一段重要的時光。並不是校裏缺乏憐愛和公義的紀律更好地塑造了我的性格,而是我學識了如何接受生命中的賜予。現在我會很開心地享用一頓豐盛的餐宴,也很滿足地渡過清茶淡飯的一日。更重要的是,我很珍惜那些難得的時刻,當憐愛和公義走上我們的路之際。
(英文版)My second day turned out to be even more startling. In the evening, just as we were about to enter the studies, I remembered that I had left my handkerchief in the washroom. I had washed it and intended to hang it on the rail behind my bedside table, but had somehow forgotten it.
‘Just hang on a minute, I have to go back upstairs quickly,’ I told William, who was already at the bottom of the stairs.
‘Oh, you’d better hurry.’ William looked worried.
I raced up the stairs, past the grandfather clock, past the Brothers’ quarters and into the mass washroom. The deserted wooden floor emitted a hollow thump at my every step. I quickly retrieved my handkerchief, hung it out and ran back downstairs.
When I reached the studies room, the door was closed. I opened it to find one hundred pairs of eyes fixed firmly on me.
‘Have you heard of a little thing called a knock?’ A voice came from the seat where Brother Paul had sat the night before. It was now occupied by someone younger and taller. I later learnt his name was Brother Patrick.
‘I … er … yes …’
‘Where have you been?’ Brother Patrick stared at me.
‘I … I left something upstairs…’
The class was quiet. Brother Patrick looked annoyed.
‘Come here!’ In a like manner to Brother Paul, he reached into his robes and produced a cane.
The image of the previous night’s corporal punishment flashed through my head. I could not believe it came my turn so quickly. I stretched out my hand. The cane came down heavily twice on my fingers. This time there was no snigger from the class. It hurt!
Back at my seat, William consoled me with a note. It read: Two is a minor punishment.
Those were the only two strikes I had ever received as a student up to that point, but they were not to be my last. At Holy Cross College, any behaviour that did not conform to the Brothers’ notion of proper conduct attracted punishment, usually a caning on the hands. Each Brother carried a metre-long cane, either tucked inside his clothing or strapped to his green waistband. A minor offence might attract two whacks; more serious offences could attract a maximum of six – three on each hand. Usually, the bruises lasted about a week. On several occasions, a Brother who had arrived late burst into the classroom and demanded that those who had been talking come forth to be caned and almost the entire class would file out to receive the penalty. The boys’ honesty and readiness to accept punishment was astounding! One time the teacher wanted to cane the whole class, without exception, because it was ‘too noisy’. A Chinese boy, Michael Yeung, who had been reading quietly despite the commotion, refused to be caned.
‘YOU, CHINAMAN, REFUSE TO TAKE PUNISHMENT!’ The irate Brother yelled after him as he sent him to the headmaster. Michael later told us his parents in Hong Kong received a letter from the school, complaining about their son’s ‘unruly behaviour’.
The only Brother who did not use a cane was Brother John. Instead, he carried a squat leather strap. It was slightly less painful on the fingers and did not leave a lingering bruise, but we received more of it. Brother John taught our physics and chemistry lessons. He took great delight in asking tricky questions during the classes and whipping anyone who did not offer an answer to his liking.
‘Next… Next…’ he pointed his whip along the rows of students until someone responded with an acceptable answer. Then he walked around the room dispensing punishment to those who had not made the grade.
‘What is poundal? What is pound weight? What is bantam weight? Next… Next… Next… No, not boxing! NEXT!’
On this occasion every class member received a whipping before he gave his answer: ‘It is the name of a bird in a cartoon!’
When Brother John whipped, his face glowed with an indulgent grin. Hardly any boy survived a class unscathed. At one time, he even replaced the whipping with a monetary fine of sixpence – rumour had it he spent the money on alcohol. There were even stories of someone taking Brother John out to treat him to a beer – the only known incident in which a boy ventured out of the school grounds with immunity.
In spite of Brother John’s authoritarian streak, his punishments were usually accepted by the boys with good grace. Brother Patrick’s discipline was far less well received. Of them all, Brother Patrick’s cane hurt the most. He had caning down to a fine art. He would whisk the cane several times in a broad, rhythmic motion just above the victim’s fingers. Then he would whip the rod down sharply, striking the bony flesh with the end part of the cane, to a cracking impact. There was never a grin on Brother Patrick’s face, which was always aloof and unfriendly. When he became displeased, which was most of the time, his eyes targeted the object of his displeasure with a raptor-like accuracy and his jaw dropped slightly, revealing the gaping hollow of his mouth.
Many years later, I learnt that Brother Patrick had gone to Ireland, and become the head of the Patrician Brothers’ order.
The boys of Holy Cross College gave the school a nickname based on its acronym –  HCC. They called it ‘Hitler’s Concentration Camp’. My days there continued to haunt me in my dreams for many years after I had left. In my dream I would ask myself, ‘Why am I still here?’ and when I awoke, I comforted myself by thinking that those two years had been an important period in my development. It was not that my character was better shaped by the draconian discipline, which was mostly devoid of compassion or justice, but it did instill in me the acceptance of what life has to offer. Now, I make sure I enjoy a good meal when there is one, but am contented to eat simply when there is not. More importantly, I treasure compassion and justice in those all too rare moments when they do come our way.


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