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读西贝诗集【静守百年】 兼英译探索(1-2)
作者:进生  发布日期:2016-08-10 13:57:41  浏览次数:2457


白杨  树干林立 / 压缩的空间 / 纵深的距离

那么多眼睛和嘴 / 阅尽一切  缄默无语


沉默  沿两个方向伸延/向上是炫目的光圈/ 向下是脚趾的探寻/


苍然静寂的森林 / 怎样才能承受真相?/ 破译的密码 / 写在银灰色的树皮上 / 深深浅浅  静守百年

White poplars (1)


White poplars stand erect

Grabbing a space, and trained away on fair field


A sea of eyes and lips pursed, detailing the world

In any given situation, stay silent


With a natural form of a testing -soul

White poplars stand erect


Muse, flows with her strange-twin paths,

Which the one of soars high up to meet brighter lights

And the other of as toes

“Besame mucho” with gloomy mother earth


With fancy air and with calmness the poplars

How could bear the burdens of your Truth?

The code broken in air, absorbed by silver-gray faces

Deeply or superficially

Through a century of serenity

《interpretation section》注释条款

1、“压缩的空间”,我想,这或许是诗人身处白杨林间时陡然感受到的一种空间触碰,是眼见的林木与林木之间,人的灵魂在林木之间的感应。翻译时,我避开了,选择身处这林莽之外可以感受她外在舒张的乾坤, 她的能够有“纵深距离”的不易。自然,这是我避重就轻地处理“压缩的空间”,有勉为其难的无奈。

2、沉默 沿两个方向伸延/向上是炫目的光圈/向下是脚趾的探寻 /穿透深不见底的黑暗: 诗句里选用了两组对比:向上/向下;光圈/黑暗,有精致而又强悍的寓意,入世的感受,打动人心。至少我如此感受。翻译时,便如此处理:

Muse, flows with her strange-twin paths

The one soars high up to meet brighter lights

And the other as toes

Deep-rooted, penetrate down beneath gloomy earth


3、“Besame mucho”, 原是拉丁美洲一首家喻户晓的经典爱情歌曲,传达一种忠贞不逾的爱的坚持。1944年它占据了美国10大流行曲的榜首,半个多世纪以来,这首被称为拉美“世纪之歌”经许多著名歌唱家的演绎,有了丰富的情感风格,更有了自己独立的生命。歌名的大意是“吻我,深深地吻我”。那些动人的旋律光靠一句歌名自然是借不来的,但这大意却也适合白杨林的根系与泥土之间的绵绵对话。所以我把她借来,放在诗人西贝的《白杨林》的译诗里,以便克服字句对字句翻译时,常会丢失原诗意蕴的缺点。这便有了:

Muse, flows with her strange-twin paths,

Which the one of soars high up to meet brighter lights

And the other of as toes

“Besame mucho” with gloomy mother earth

4、deep-rooted :深深扎根的; deep-rooted这个分词短语在该句中修饰前面的名词toes。


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