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书法长卷 经典诗词 英译解读(第二册)-6
作者:进生  发布日期:2017-06-07 21:13:22  浏览次数:1980




一曲新词酒一杯,去年天气旧亭台。夕阳西下几时回?    无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来。小园香径独徘徊。 



晏殊以词著于文坛,尤擅小令,风格沉著、含蓄婉丽,与其子晏几道,被称为“大晏”和“小晏”,又与欧阳修并称“晏欧”;存世有《珠玉词》、《晏元献遗文》、《类要》残本。浣溪沙( 一曲新词酒一杯 )是晏殊词中最为脍炙人口的篇章。全词即景兴感,用语轻快流利,浑然天成中句式却错综呼应,奇巧而又和谐,寓意深婉,悼惜残春, 感伤时光易逝。

Song: Yan-Shu(991年—1055年)

Silk-washing stream

The song that fills with new words

Bears a cup of an old wine;

The bower with its fairy scene it is

That taking-over from last year; and then

When could today’s sun be refreshing

 To be seen after descending?

Now it is a deep and hopeless vexation to see

 The flowers falling;

I watch the swallows making their dark-flash,

So swift, sweeping back and forth I have known,

Somehow be unfamiliar. Pacing alone the path,

I have lost all this time yet in the green and fragrant garden.

Interpretation section注释条款

1、Silk-Washing Stream:浣溪沙:唐玄宗时教坊曲名,后用为词调;因为词是配乐唱的,故称“曲”。沙,一作“纱”。

2、bear: vt. 承担;支撑;生育; vi. 生(孩子);结(果实);与…有关; n: 熊。The song that fills with new words bears a cup of an old wine:一曲新词酒一杯:此句化用白居易《长安道》诗意:“花枝缺入青楼开,艳歌一曲酒一杯”。

3、bower: 亭子,凉亭;树荫处。[诗]隐居处;乡间茅舍,村舍;精舍2.[诗]卧室,闺房。

4、fairy : adj. 美丽的,可爱的;仙女似的n. 仙女,小精灵。

5、scene:n. 场面,现场;(戏剧的)一场;景色,风景;事件 。

6、taking-over:承续;take over:接收,接手,接办,接管;继承。

The bower with its fairy scene it is that taking-over from last year: 去年天气旧亭台:是说天气、亭台都和去年一样。此句化用五代郑谷《和知己秋日伤怀》诗:“流水歌声共不回,去年天气旧池台。”晏词“亭台”一本作“池台”。 是说此日天气、亭台都和去年一样。

7、refresh:vt. 使清新,使恢复,使焕然一新,vi. 恢复精神; 更新; 使清新。When could today’s sun be refreshing to be seen after descending? 夕阳西下几时回?

8、vexation:n. 烦恼;使人恼怒或忧虑的事, 困扰; it is a deep and hopeless vexation: 无可奈何。

It is a deep and hopeless vexation to see the flowers falling:无可奈何花落去。

9、dark-flash: 指飞燕暗色的掠影。

10、swift : adj. 迅速的;敏捷的;立刻的;突然发生的 n. 雨燕; [人]斯威夫特,《格利佛游记》作者 adv. 迅速地,敏捷地。

11、somehow: adv. 以某种方式,用某种方法;<非正>不知怎么地,不知道怎样,不晓得什么缘故。I watch the swallows making their dark-flash, sweeping back and forth I have known, somehow be unfamiliar :似曾相识燕归来。

12、lost all this time:迷失了自我。

13、the path in the green and fragrant garden: 小园香径。

14、yet: adv; 副词(用于表示一段时间的表达后,表示时间的延续)还要,还 ; pacing alone the path, I have lost all this time yet in the green and fragrant garden:小园香径独徘徊。


(The Comma)  用逗号连接并列成分,一系列的事物。最后两个并列成分之间常用and 或or 连接。注意:在and 或or 前有时还加用逗号。

例1:it is made of the spirit, more than of the talent of men, and is a compound result, into which every great force enters as an ingredient, namely, virtue, wit, beauty, wealth, and power. 《manners》R. W. 爱默生

例2. Some fanatic who plants shade-trees for the second and third generation,and orchards when he is grown old(独立主词结构)

例3、The motion of a raft is the needful motion; it is gentle, and gliding, and smooth, and noiseless; it calms down all feverish activities, it soothes to sleep all nervous hurry and impatience; under its restful influence all the troubles and vexations and sorrows that harass the mind vanish away, and existence become a dream, a charm, a deep and tranquil ecstasy.《Rafting Down the Neclkar 》Mark Twain 内卡河上木筏行 马克ž吐温

例4. 1903

Christ hath perfect rest to give;

Stillness and perpetual peace;

You, who found it had to live,

Sleep and sleep, without surcease.


Christ hath perfect rest to give,

Stillness, and perpetual peace;

You who found it had to live,

Sleep and sleep, without surcease.

(April Twilights (1903) Willa Cather 1873-1947Edited with an introduction by BERNICE SLOTE (Revised Edition 1968).

1968版的英国女诗人Willa Sibert Cather 的诗集April Twilights 还记录下诗人Willa Cather历年再版April Twilights时的修定细节,以及诗人对某些编辑所作的修订在再版时的取舍。---例4即是取自该书。hath: have 的第三人称单数的过时形式,  surcease: cease的过时形式,停止; 终止的。)


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