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读西贝诗集《静守百年》 兼英译探索(15)
作者:进生  发布日期:2018-01-12 17:22:39  浏览次数:1993



            你的脸 被一个拳头重击后


            紫裂的唇 血水下流






            路灯昏暗 寂静






            再向右 看到姐姐

            小时候 她是你的母亲

            长大了 她一次又一次做新娘
























            Fridays of Jesus died

            A thump hit on your blank face

            Made your right eye more slanting right

            The lips broken openly, spitting blood purple beneath


            Showed on the livid face

            And tough-soled slippers

            You were as a vagrant of The Holiday

            The Cross erected into night sky

            And road lights dim, silently

            The rain-drops

            Spatted on crying for Juses


            Christ died Friday

            And you, the right-slanting eye

            Squinted the Blessed Virgin

            And moreover saw your sister

            She used to give you the mother‘s care when u was a girl

            And grown up then her bride hoods bent beside her

            At aged fifty she still so ravishingly beautiful

            And exquisitely dainty

            That really broken all of her lover’s heart

            And let you have GUILTY


            Lying on a street bench like

            Christ being nailed to the Cross.

            Once again there was a thump pointed at your left eye,

            Hung on in the air with fancy of Mercy

            It wasn’t tearing now on your face

            There were long sweats from your eye


            Sun rising, on your body you pick up it

            Of moth the hollow egg-shell, left

            Shining under sunrays, the best in fact

            So lend your eye


            That Monday Morning

            Juses is resuscitating.



      二十多年过去了,95年清明后生的年轻人也已经在日月光照下23岁了,陪着这《复活节的纪念》,虽然她或许还是躲在字形里,却在临近2018的这个圣诞节获得了现实有力的烘托。这是该诗的一次奇妙的“复习”,匪夷所思地全新展示,谁说“前不见古人后不见来者?”没那么苍凉矫情,读到《复活节的纪念》的心灵该会喜欢这些诗句:太阳升起的时候 /你从身上捡起 /飞蛾空弃的卵壳/它在阳光下闪耀, 玲珑剔透。



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