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三八线上的握手,特金韩朝边界快闪会,VERY HISTORIC!
作者:崔少元  发布日期:2019-06-30 21:54:08  浏览次数:2147

c1.jpg据凤凰卫视报道,“ 韩国当地时间30日下午15时46分左右,美国总统特朗普和朝鲜最高领导人金正恩在位于朝韩非军事区的板门店会面。特朗普跨过朝韩军事分界线,站在朝方一侧与金正恩握手并合影。c1.jpg

特朗普成为首位在任期间进入朝鲜境内的美国总统。”Donald Trump has met with Kim Jong-un in the demilitarised zone and has become the first US president to step onto North Korean soil, after Kim invited Trump to step over the demarcation line into North Korean territory.

The meeting was organised yesterday, both leaders confirmed, after Trump tweeted Kim Jong-un suggesting they meet and “say Hello(?)!” while Trump was in the region for the G20 summit in Osaka.

Trump travelled to the DMZ with South Korean leader Moon Jae-in, the three C3.jpgwere expected to have a tri-lateral meeting at Peace House, but Trump and Kim appeared at a press conference without Moon, raising questions about how involved the South Korean leader would be in any discussions.

Trump said the meeting was “very historic” and criticised those who said that nothing had been come about from his two summits with Kim, which occurred last June and earlier this year.Trump said he would be willing to invite Kim to the White House “right now.”  

  特朗普、金正恩这一短暂性的会晤究竟将会给美国与北朝鲜,美国、北朝鲜与韩国,以及朝鲜半岛的和平进程会带来什么积极的影响,目前尚难给出明确的答案,但是,有一点是非常确定的,即朝鲜战争66年之后,特朗普和金正恩来回跨越三八线的历史性会晤给了世界一个很大的希望,Give a big hope to the world!    就这次特朗普、金正恩的短暂会晤,有三个亮点值得一提:



    3)南韩总统文在寅应当是特金会的幕后推手,他一在致力于朝鲜半岛的和平统一,诺贝尔和平奖应当授予他。    至于,中国政府是否也是特金会的另外一位幕后推手,就需要去认真地破解了。




2019年6月️30日下午6:38 分写于悉尼听雨轩


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