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八千里路 第一章 生米煮成熟饭(6)
作者:梁军  发布日期:2019-09-25 10:58:54  浏览次数:2133

几天后,La Trobe大学图书馆。Angela正在翻看有关19世纪八十年代华人在圣迪戈淘金的历史,若有所思。

大学校门口外,Angela 抱着书本行走,一辆汽车靠近,停住,Patrick探出头来: Hi, I’ve waited a while now, get in the car.  (你好,我等了你好久,上车。)

Angela一愣: Waiting for me? What do you need?  (等我?有事吗?)

 Just get on and I will tell you. (上来你就知道了。)



Why are you parking here? What is it that you want to talk about? Please be quick. (停在这里干吗?有什么事快说。)

Patrick忽然试图抱住她,撕扯她的衣服: Honey. I’ve really missed you. I made a big mistake marrying Sophia. In the bed she’s like dead fish and now she’s pregnant. What do I do? Be quick……




Angela似乎下定决心: This is the last time, what we are doing is disrespectful to Sophia.  (这是最后一次,我们这样对不起她。)

Patrick满不在乎:I think its fine. We can hopefully rekindle some of the spark back. (我觉得挺好,咱们又能重续前缘了。)

Angela直起身:Where are your morals?  (道德呢?)

We are still young, don’t worry about those traditional values. (我们还都年轻,不用理会那些陈旧的世俗观念。)

Bible said: Love a person, is in a long time and he grow up together, die together in the Life the last years. (圣经说:爱一个人,就是在漫长的时光里和他一起成长,在人生最后的岁月一同凋零。)

Patrick不屑一顾地:Besides your university textbooks and the Bible, what else do you know? (你除了大学的那几本教科书和圣经,还知道什么?)

Angela有些失落:You have Sophia and soon you will have your own child. I should not be a part of your life anymore. (你已经有了Sophia, 很快又会有你们自己的孩子,你的人生里不该有我。) No matter what happens now and in future I will always love you and that will never change.   (无论到何时,我都会始终如一地爱你。)




Sophia主动走过来找Angela聊天: How was your day today? (今天玩儿的还开心吗?)

Not bad. Your new house is amazing. Your tummy is getting bigger now. Everything is well.   (不错啊,你的新家布置得越来越漂亮,肚子也这么大了,事事顺心啦。)

 Its just Pat is always acting like a child and is never serious. All he does is go out and pick up women and cause trouble. If you ever catch him doing that in public let me know and I will fix him up.



Sophia接着问: How is your graduation essay progressing? (你的毕业论文怎么样了?)

In my study I am currently doing some research and analysis on the lives of Chinese migrants living in San Diego in the 1880’s. Although I have looked for some resources in both the local and university libraries, I have been unable to find any insightful or useful information thus far.  (我研究的课题是十九世纪八十年代中国华人移民在圣迪戈的生活情况, 可是我查遍了大学和社区图书馆的档案,也没有全面详细的资料,很头疼。)

 I have a suggestion for you. If you want to improve your understanding of the migration history of Chinese people, it would be wise to go to China as well as language won’t be an issue for you.



几天后,一间大学教室内,安吉拉的老师正在和她谈话:From our last conversation, I would say going to China to do some research is a great idea.  We will soon have an opportunity for a student to go on exchange to Beijing University so I would recommend you take this opportunity. (上次你跟我详谈后,我觉得你要去中国搞研究的想法有道理。现在学校正好有一个去中国北京的大学交换学生的名额,我可以推荐你去。)

Angela欣喜若狂:  Thank you professor that would be wonderful. This will give me an opportunity to improve my Chinese skills. (太好了,谢谢教授,我可以顺便提高我的中文水平。)

老师语重心长地说:I just genuinely hope you are going there to study and do your research and not there to avoid your current situation. (我希望你是去搞研究,而非逃避现实。)

For the sake of my best friend, I don’t want to see him again. (为了我的好朋友,我不想再见到他。)

No matter where you go, you can’t escape from yourself. (无论你在哪里,你都不能逃避你自己。)






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