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梁宗岱《芦笛风》诗集1(双语)/程家惠 译
作者:程家惠  发布日期:2022-01-29 14:08:22  浏览次数:1171

水 调 歌 头 序 曲



        Tune: Water Melody Prelude

        Isn’t life a river slow and long?

        With you I sing a song,

        A toll to break through all woe

        With nets above and snares below.

        Give me a reed flute 

        To make for you all stars off route,

        And turn the icy seas

        Into soft waves in breeze.

        Why bother with joy or sorrow,

        And life today or death tomorrow?


        Up and down, day or night,

        I’m a bird free in flight. 

        A knowing smile he gives me, 

        Who as his fellow the fisher does see. 

        To sight a world in a grain of sand, 

        And in a flower the Fairy Land. 

        All will wither and fade 

        Be it red or jade.

        Hold in your palm infinity, 

        And in an hour eternity.

金 缕 曲 一

何事空萦想? 叹更番深盟蜜约, 终成惆怅! 月缺常多圆月少, 此恨凭谁与讲? 君不见海鸥和浪? 相遇相亲还各散,白茫茫一片空凝望…… 歌一曲,为君唱。 


        Tune: Gold-woven Dress (1)

        In vain why am I thinking with pain?

        And sad to see all sweet dates and pledges of love

        all turn into gloomy rain!  

        The moon less waxes than it wanes above.

        To whom can I complain?

        See the seagulls and waves in love ablaze?

        Apart they still have to flee again,

        And leave whiteness only for vain gaze…

        Song of blue,

        Sung for you.

        No more hug there’ll be but care

        For her wander between the window and tree,

        Which doubling my pain and despair.

        The fading rainbow leaves behind a chilly autumn for me!

        And worst is the world’s love snare:

        With sadness or glee in dreams can we only meet anyhow;

        Of paths astray with candles in wind we must beware, 

        with loneliness and roughness lying ahead now…

        From my heart,

        Best wish afar!

金 缕 曲 二



        Tune: Gold-woven Dress (2)

        No longer hesitate we should!

        Just think of our stroll in parse wood

        And our whisper and vow:

        Our desire and Heaven’s will are fighting now;

        The latter will triumph, we wish with firm belief.

        Again and again we give each other relief…

        And light for the way back we suddenly see,

        which cleanses our hearts like clear water of sea.

        Vows in woods,

        For ever hoots.

        For what does she back instantly out

        With unyielding faith so stout?

        Into the abyss of desire does she fall?

        It’s easy to give up and forget all,

        But my care of love for her, for good or ill.

        What God will no one can kill!

        Unless we stoop to the domination of him,

        Be mentioned no more should our love dream;

        Before song fades

        My heart breaks!

金 缕 曲 三



        Tune: Gold-woven Dress (3)

        No more chokes with sobs and cries! 

        It hurts me most to see you with tears in eyes,

        So bright and clear,

        Like a homeless bird enlaced by jeer!

        To see new pity on you, how can I bear,

        because of too much of care?

        Soon wither, I forget, would worldly flowers,

        Who can’t stand extremely cold or hot showers.

        All of disgrace

        For you I’ll face.

        Secluding myself as a tramp with no lee,

        Your fanatic courtiers I’d let them be,

        Who swarm to add flowers to your brocade.

        In woods and by lakes, I chant and wander and wade,

        Wishing you roses all the way with no distress.

        If comes any storm or billow in a mess,

        Remember this genial,sunny har,

        For your boat to come back safe from afar…

        My golden oath,

        Poem for both.

金 缕 曲 四



        Tune: Gold-woven Dress (4)

        So many grudges and grieves

        In the sky folded high like clouds of leaves

        With wind, roll and expand!

        How can a slender willow stand  

        Such rocking and shaking in Hell Seven

        Who’s surely cast by Heaven 

        To this world as a sacrifice small,

        To bear all sufferings that, only on beauties, fall!

        Hatred this deep

        Who should sweep?

        All ways of this world I’ve undergone,

        When laughing at all howls with thorn,

        And the frequent rolling of their eyes.

        Disgrace or honor, joy or sorrow, are but flies,

        If only our hearts and souls would never part

        Why let tears drip into our heart?

        Into the hell I never care sinking with vice,

        And Let the silkworm cocoon itself till it dies nice:

        Turn all sorrow

        Into love mellow!


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