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梁宗岱《芦笛风》诗集4(双语)/程家惠 译
作者:程家惠  发布日期:2022-01-29 14:18:22  浏览次数:1425


又是荷风骀荡天,娇红粉翠不胜怜。采莲心事竟谁传?    最忆惺忪容未整,半天笑靥倚风前,盈盈红到夕阳边。

Tune: Huan Xi Sha (Silk-washing Stream)

Again in leisure lotus breezes flow high with swirl,
And caresses lotuses pink and leaves green in furl.
Who can pass on the love secret of the lotus girl?&

Untidy she appears with sleepy alluring eyes in daze,
And smiles with dimples kissed by the breeze in haze;
The glow of her face burns the setting sun with blaze.


轻偎密拥,互诉宵来梦。聚散悲欢相与共。怪道话长心重!     话深不觉时深,预期来日欢音。多少叮咛低唤,归来满院松阴。

Tune: Qingping Le (1) 

In sweet and close hug, 
we told each other dreams of last night.
With sad partings and sweet reunions 
We have long stories of painful plight!

Of lateness of the hour they make us unaware;
Tomorrow still I want to hear your voice of delight.
Having whispered lots of farewell words to you;
I’m back to the yard all covered by pine shadows in sight.     

清平乐 二

风轻日暖,绿水平如剪。南国冬如春已半,正是此时重见。    也知此会难长,明朝天各遐方。且尽眼前一笑,休提别后凄凉。

Tune: Qingping Le Two

Caressed by genial sun and gentle wind,

As if sheared, like a green plain water does flow. 

In winter half of South is stroked by vernal breeze,

When we meet again like so.

No more time we have, we know, for this tryst.

Next morn far apart we will go.   

Let’s smile and laugh for the moment.

And mention not the sadness of parting in woe. 

蝶恋花  一

飘尽桂香秋已暮。黄叶翩翩,竟作风前舞。底事满怀春意绪,厌厌似梦浑无据?     一缕情丝何所寄?极目疏林,尽是相思处。惆怅并非关节气,


Tune: Butterfly Enamored Of Flowers One

The laurel smell fades with autumn late.  

When yellow leaves down flutter and fall by fate,

And in the breeze gracefully dance.

Still feeling the air of love flowing in trance,

Am I still weary in dream?

Whom can I trust with ripples of my love stream?

Where sparse woods afar spread,

It is bestrewn with love thread.

Our sadness with seasons doesn’t come and go,

And only in hearts of spring does love stay and grow.

蝶恋花 二

又到夕阳携手处,不见伊人,只见相思树。红树白桥空凝伫,情丝撩乱难成绪。     销尽离魂知几许?万转千回,总是寻伊去。谁解因风吹别絮,寄伊梦里千般语?

Tune: Butterfly Enamored Of Flowers Two

Again I came for love stroll in the setting sun,

But only Acacia I see, not my loved one.

On bridge white at maples red in vain I stare, 

Confused by the messy threads of love and care. 

How many times in parting grief has my soul been lost?

With all twists and turns, I’ll find her at any cost.

The catkins drifting with the breeze 

Are all my love whispers sent to her dreams, who sees?

蝶恋花 三

咫尺蓬山成幻境。只为关心,反为关心病。独坐偏知寒夜永,高楼隐隐歌声迥。    阵阵红梅香欲凝。想到分明,万象明如镜。怎奈情痴难唤醒,相思寸寸成灰烬。

Tune: Butterfly Enamored Of Flowers Three

To me a shadowland now is the fairyland once at hand.

I’m hurt by my care for you who might not understand.

The endless cold night I can feel by sitting alone here; 

From the distant tower songs I can faintly hear.

As if to freeze, the smells of red plums flow and stray.

I brood over things till all is as clear as day,

And nothing can waken me from this mad love however, 

And every inch of my love is burnt into ash forever.

采桑子 一

红棉吐焰春光满:才到缠绵,又赋离筵。今夜月明独倚栏。    沉思只是前宵事:一曲如弦,分外清圆。怎奈迷茫似隔年?

Tune: Picking Mulberry Fruit One

In flames the kapok trees in spring bloomed: 

With tender love that lingered and loomed ,

We had to have farewell banquet again;

Tonight on railing I lean alone under the moon in wane.

It happened only the night before last, I recall:

A song as if played by strings you sang for all,

So clear, so mellow, so sweet.

But in a daze, a year seems to have passed, light on feet? 

采桑子 二

红棉落尽春将老:恼煞游蜂,觅遍芳丛,满地阑珊寂寞红。   自从人去歌声杳,只觉心空,一片朦胧,镇日厌厌醉梦中。

Tune: Picking Mulberry Fruit Two

All kapok flowers fall when late spring withers away:

And leaves the wandering bees annoyed in dismay,

And roving among all flowers in vain

which scatter and wither on the ground in pain.

She is gone with her songs ne’er to be heard any more,

Which makes my heart empty and sore.

All the world in haze, 

my days I drink and dream away in daze.

临江仙 一

记得合欢花下立,双双笑语融融。风光滟滟共从容。白桥斜凭处,齐送夕阳红。   岂料见难容易别,云山骤隔千重?如今心事两应同:当时盟约在,何必怯西风?


Tune: Immortal at the River


I remember under silk-tree flowers we stood,

And laughed and chatted in a sweet mood. 

In a scene of brilliance and charm,

On bridge railings we leaned arm in arm.

And saw off the fading sunset glows,

To meet is harder than to part, who knows?

Mountains and clouds cut us off, a loving pair?

The same worry now we are doomed to share:

Those vows and promises still in mind,

Why should we fear the piercing west wind behind?

临江仙 二

红棉坠火梨飘雪,楝花绽紫如云,花开花谢忒纷纷。香飞红走里,依旧满天春。    只道花时同赏乐,依依一缕归魂。如今春气正氤氲。可怜今夜月,千里白如银!

Tune: Immortal at the River Two

With flickering pear blooms the kapok flowers fall,

And purple flowers in clouds the chinaberries bear;

One by one all bloom and wither. 

Aromas drifting and flowers fading in despair,

Far and near the charming Spring roams.

This blossom season we have promised to share,

But only souls for love return.

With fragrant Spring roam here and there,

The lonely moon tonight hangs high,

and casts afar the silver light in the air!

临江仙 三

红稀绿暗春无主,平芜望断凄迷。平芜尽处是相思。杜鹃缘底事,偏向耳边啼?     应恨天涯春色暮,梨花又误佳期。休将泪眼忆芳菲。浮生原似梦,何处不如归?

Tune: Immortal at the River Three

Sparse flowers and gloomy leaves make a lonely Spring;

The open grassland stretches sadly afar in full swing;

The farthest ends are entangled with love string.

For what does the cuckoo wail

at my ear with sad tale?

Alas! At all ends of the earth the late spring lies;

Pear flowers again miss the best season in sighs.

Recall not the fragrance with tearful eyes.

Our floating lives are like dreams; 

Isn’t home the best place for sad screams?

鹊踏枝 (和阳春六一词)_一九四三年春作



Tune: Magpie on the twig (In reply to Spring of Ou Yangxiu’s style) Written in the spring of 1943

Whenever spring comes, melancholy is still melancholy. 

-- Ou Yangxiu’s style

When our prime is gone, gone forever is our love song. 

-- ancient poem 

立尽斜晖帆片片,日日江头,心逐旋涡转。襟上温馨吹又散,游丝枉把芳心限。     长记玉楼初见面,满眼花枝,独忘交深浅。此去阳春何日见?低头惊觉残红遍。

Tune: Magpie on the twig One

Before me, sails fade in the last evening rays;

I daily wait at the mouth into which two rivers run.

My heart whirls with swirls that sport sprays;

Again all fragrance on my lapel away is blown;

How can floating gossamer hold love that strays?

I’ll never forget the first time we met: 

My eyes were filled with flowers in the jade tower, 

But the depth of our love I did forget.

When can we meet again after you leave with this spring?

By withered flowers all aground I’m sadly upset.


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