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作者:林爽  发布日期:2012-03-29 02:00:00  浏览次数:4162



    (一) 何謂中﹑西文化交流


(二) 我的個人經驗

1990年﹐我以不惑之年移居紐西蘭﹐並在奧克蘭大學 (University of Auckland) 主修教育﹔副修毛利文化及歷史。我花了兩年多時間博覽眾書﹐潛心研究了毛利神話﹑傳統及歷史。期間﹐經常被金髮碧眼的年青‘奇異人’ (註1) 及棕黑皮膚的原住民毛利人投以好奇眼光。我卻笑傲異族﹐默默為融入新鄉﹑了解毛利文化而努力不懈。为了体验更多毛利人日常生活﹐亲身到毛利会堂采风﹑度宿不下十次。同時﹐也因學習毛利語而廢寢忘餐﹔至今逾二十年﹐仍樂此不疲﹗
    毛利人是紐西蘭原住民﹐其神秘﹑古老且燦爛的文化﹐簡朴的原始生活﹐樂天純真的民族性﹔都有值得我們研習的亮點。除了認真追求人與自然共存的默契外﹐我更欣羨與大自然對話 ﹔做個獨辟蹊徑先行者﹐鑽研較少人關注的題材﹔于我而言極富挑戰性。於是﹐以華文撰寫毛利族神話﹑傳統及歷史﹐就成了我移民後業餘筆耕的一個新理念。
    當年我邊學習﹐邊把毛利神話﹑傳統與歷史寫成專欄﹐在奧克蘭華文報刊連載發表﹔倒也引起廣大華人移民不少回響。主編以“你做著溝通中紐文化橋樑的工作﹐很有意義”鼓勵我﹐讀者投函報社﹐以“作者揭開原住民神秘面紗﹐加深華人對紐西蘭毛利人的認識”肯定我· 這的確增強我以華文撰寫異國文化的信心﹐也推翻了部份漠視﹑甚至鄙視少數民族者的偏見。更重要的是﹐我的努力耕耘漸漸對于促進種族間相互了解起了極大效應﹔並引起了主流社會對華文作家的認識與肯定。
    幾經萬苦千辛﹐我終于在1998年初獲得台灣世界華文作家出版社的符兆祥先生推薦﹔把十五萬字的研究心得付梓成《紐西蘭的原住民 - 毛利族神話﹑傳統及歷史》一書 (下簡稱《紐西蘭的原住民》)。該書面世後﹐得到主流社會肯定與認可﹐的確讓我受寵若驚。首先﹐符兆祥先生安排在台灣圓山飯店舉行記者招待會。接著﹐我當年任職的奧克蘭師範學院也為我在奧市極負盛名的毛利Ngati-Whatua 族 Orakei 會堂內舉行新書發佈會﹐邀請了近二百名華﹑洋官員及嘉賓﹑文友前來見證毛利長老為我新書祈福的感人場面。英語電視台的<亞洲動感>節目全場錄攝後﹐以十五分鐘為觀眾重點精報了一次史無前例的華社盛會。往後數周經過奧市各中﹑英文報章及雜誌圖文並茂報導﹐毛利電台﹑電視超過十次的採訪後﹐該書被國內媒體譽為首部中文毛利文化專著﹔還被國家圖書館Alexander-Turnbull-Library及國會圖書館 The-Parliamentary-Library指定收藏。期間﹐全國各市政圖書館及大﹑中﹑小學批量訂購傳真紛然沓至。
    一本中文著作在英語系國家受到如此禮遇﹐實屬異數﹔也大大出乎我意料之外 ﹗
毛利神話20篇﹑毛利傳統16篇﹑毛利歷史20篇及民間傳說10篇﹔書未兩附錄﹐包括有趣的毛利地名及1994年3月19-20日﹐奧克蘭市20個華人團體拜訪奧市毛利會堂(Orakei Marae)的珍貴紀錄。此書出版後﹐世界各地華人開始對紐西蘭的毛利文化有了較全面及深入的了解。


    (三) 談談我個人的研究心得

通過多年鑽研﹐我发现毛利与中国的文化﹑语音﹑神话及传统都有以下相同点 :

1) 毛利的五个元音 (a e i o u ) 与汉语拼音完全相同。
    2) 毛利文“Hui”是“集会”的意思﹐也与汉语拼音“会”的意思及发音完全一致。


3) 毛利神话中的英雄人物牟伊 (Maui) 被形容为半神人﹐与中国神话《西游记》中的美猴王孙悟空相像﹐两者都能随时变身逃难。
    4)  中国民间传说中﹐有嫦娥因偷吃长生不老仙丹而缓然奔月﹔从此长居广寒宫。而毛利神话传说中﹐也有个叫罗娜 (Rona) 的女子﹐因出言不逊﹐冒犯月神而遭天谴﹐独居月宫的淒涼故事。以致有 "罗娜應悔咒月神﹐碧海青天夜夜深"

5) 毛利人珍视土地,中国人亦有膜拜土地的习惯 - 传统与现代。
    6) 毛利“会堂”(Marea) 有如中国人的”祠堂“都是敬拜祖先的神圣地方。毛利人视之为祖先的身体﹐进入时必须脱除鞋子﹔以免把外面的污秽带进内﹔這与中国人 “入庙除鞋”表示尊敬与保持清洁具相同意义。
    7) 在受欧洲人统治前﹐毛利酋长实行一夫多妻制﹐中国封建时代亦然。
    8) 根据中国传统﹐同姓男女不得通婚﹐毛利人也一样﹔不鼓励同部落及有血统关系的男女结婚。
    9) 毛利传统上,酋长的未婚女儿 Puhi(贞洁处女之意)  必须由其父亲或族长代为安排婚姻﹔这与中国封建时代富家千金情况相似。
    10) 毛利人的复仇 (Utu) 行为通常由巫师或祭师 (Tohunga / Ahurewa) 执行﹐中国古代也多由身怀绝技的茅山师傅执行复仇。
    11) 毛利人对于犯不道德行为的男女严加惩罚﹐通常由其族内若干女性组成团体 (Taua-Wahine) 执行惩戒﹔中国人也有将犯事男女双双拋进河里活活淹死的习俗。          
    12) 毛利人“尊老爱幼”,尊敬老者及长辈亲戚,兄姐有照顾弟妹的责任﹔与中国人類似,两者都重视及实行大家庭形式。
    13) 毛利人视头部为身体最重要部份,一切与面部﹑头部有关的东西如面巾﹑帽子或梳子等﹔都不得放在饭桌上。并严禁坐在枕头上﹐中国人也同样重视头部。
    14) 早期毛利人喜欢将敌人头颅砍下留起,视为复仇﹔古代中国人也有类似習慣。
    15) 理论上,毛利人的阶级基于世袭,并以长子具继承特权为原则﹔与中国封建时代的长子嫡孙得以继承祖父或父親遗产类似。
    16) 毛利人以阶级﹑权力(Mana)﹑复仇 (Utu) 三者结合以及神力 (Tapu)﹑生命力 (Mauri) 与巫术 (Makutu) 作为社会制约,也与中国封建制度类似。
    17) 毛利人在举行丧礼 (Tangihunga)时,通常设盛宴款待﹐也會為遠道而來奔丧的亲友及族人提供住宿﹔古代富裕中国家庭也都如是 。
    18) 早期毛利人男婚女嫁不举行公开仪式,只有贵族及富裕家庭会设盛宴 (Hakari) 招待亲友及族人﹔古代中国人亦然。
    19) 毛利人与中国人同样喜欢采用草药治病,现今则兼用西药。

20) 毛利人探访亲友时,喜欢互送礼物 (Koha) 作见面礼,中国人也一样。 

    (四)  研究華人與毛利人通婚史

    2008年中﹐奧克蘭大學長期研究華人歷史的叶宋曼瑛博士出版了《毛利裔华人- Being Maori Chinese: Mixed Identities》。她花了五年時間﹐先後采访了117位人士 (包括52名毛利人﹑33名华人﹑32名)。最後﹐選了七個混血家族寫成動人故事。通过这些家族史,毛利裔华人的灵魂﹑风骨得以展現人前﹐並侧面反映了毛利人與华人的关系变化﹐及其背後所隐藏的社会历史原因。更重要的是﹐讓那些不堪回首﹑难于启齿的塵封歷史﹐重現讀者眼前。這正與我的研究課題不謀而合﹐我欣喜之余便毛遂自荐﹐義務替叶博士中譯。並在獲取奧克蘭大學出版社授權後﹐馬上著手進行。

我花了一年多時間將英文版《毛利裔华人》改名換姓﹐譯成中文的《雲鄉龍裔毛利情》﹔並向 [紐華人頭稅歷史遺產信託委員會]申請資助﹔2009年終獲得批准。《雲鄉龍裔毛利情》就在2010年7月交由香港[當代文藝出版社]出版。同年8月份運回奧克蘭後﹐我與葉博士合辦了一場熱鬧而成功的新書發佈會。除了得到中文電視台採訪外﹐書中一個三代同堂的家族也來了十九人﹐成人﹑小孩高高興興見證了他們祖先的奮鬥故事以中文出版的喜悅。男主角查理更一口氣訂購了十本寄回給中國鄉下的親友﹐對我做出最有力支持﹔各大圖書館也在隨後批量訂購。

(五) 最後談談個人的感悟與收穫

1998年8月11日﹐也是《紐西蘭的原住民》出版後半年﹐紐國科學家通過人類基因 (DNA)研究﹐證明毛利祖先來自中國﹐經台灣﹑菲律賓﹑印尼等群島﹐最後定居紐西蘭。換言之﹐毛利﹑華人一家親﹐當年我做研究時發現的那些毛利﹑華人傳統及文化相通點﹔從而得到科學界有力支持。
    1999年8月底﹐我被奧克蘭大學亞洲學院評選為“紐西蘭職業華人成就”一等獎。奧克蘭市長Christine Fletcher于頒獎典禮上表示﹕“《紐西蘭的原住民》是溝通中﹑紐文化與促進種族間相互了解的一道橋樑”。同年10月﹐台灣華僑救國聯合會頒授我“社會科學類-華文著述佳作”獎狀。12月﹐奧克蘭博物館將我的移民故事及《紐西蘭的原住民》一書展現于“新移民展館”內﹔供遊客參考。

2005年底﹐當時的總理海倫克拉克 (Helen Clark) 發來賀函﹐表彰我十五年來在溝通中﹑紐文化及教育新移民學生所盡的心力。2006年元旦﹐我的名字出現在英女皇頒授“服務社會勛章QSM”名單中。
註 1﹕ 紐西蘭人自稱奇異人(Kiwi)

(1) 蔡德贵﹕季羡林先生的多元文化观和文化交流论
    (2) 於賢德《論[紐西蘭的原住民]的文化意蘊和文學特色》- 第十一屆世界華文文學國際研討會,第二屆海內﹑外潮人作家作品國際研討會論文集 ﹐2002年11月花城出版社出版
    (3) 凌月仙﹕跨文化交际与中西文化冲突- 广州暨南大学外语学院


現任紐西蘭中文先驅報 [教育版] 版主  ﹑[世界华文微型小说研讨会] 理事﹑[世界華文作家交流協會] 副秘書長兼英文秘書長﹑風雅漢俳名譽社長。曾任大洋洲華文作家協會副會長 (1997-99)﹑紐西蘭華文作家協會會長 (1996-97)。著有《紐西蘭的原住民》等九部。



[惠靈頓美聯社十日電] 一項以新技術分析人類基因的研究認為﹐紐西蘭的毛利族人及太平洋波利尼西亞人的祖先﹐源自中國。

維多利亞大學的錢伯斯博士( Dr Chambers) 周一報導﹐該批源自中國的人﹐後來成為毛利族人及其他波利尼亞人﹐歷多個世紀﹐移居太平洋或跨越太平洋。



The Similarities Between Maori and  Chinese Culture By Song LAM (林爽)


The Chinese of the world are now able to take a deep look at the Maori culture of

New Zealand, since I had done a research on the Maori culture and written a book entitled The Maori ofNew Zealand”.

In 1994, when I was studying at the University of Auckland, I took a Maori paper entitled “Introduction to Maori Society”and had spent more than two years researching Maori legends, customs and history.

I have had the privilege of meeting many Maori people and staying on different Marae. This has enriched my knowledge and understanding of Maori traditions, values as well as customs.

Based on my research and experiences I had written a book in Chinese entitled &ldquo;The Maori of New Zealand&rdquo;, published in Jan 1998 by the Publish House of World Chinese Writers in Taiwan. The ISBN is 957-98538-2-7.

There are 150,000 Chinese characters in this book, 400 pages of script in total, and 10 pages of illustrations photos and maps. The following are the four parts to the book:

20 stories on Maori Legends

16 stories on Maori Traditions

20 stories on Maori History

10 stories on Maori Folktales

The two appendixes list interesting Maori place names and a record of 20 Chinese communities, which visited the Orakei Marae on the 19-20th March in 1994.

Through my study, I had found there are similarities between Maori and Chinese cultures and language:


The pronunciation of 5 Maori vowels (a e i o u) is exactly as in Chinese Mandarin (Hanyu Pinyin).

The Maori word &ldquo;hui&rdquo; which means meeting or gathering, has the same meaning and same pronunciation as Hanyu Pinyin “hui”.


1) The Maori cultural hero

Maui, described as a demi-god in the legends, just likes the Chinese Monkey King, Sun Wu Kong. BothMauiand Sun Wu Kong could turn themselves into any shape or figure at any time.

2) In Chinese legend, there was a woman called Chang E who stole the elixir and flew to the moon and stayed alone there. In Maori legend, there was also a woman called Nona who was punished by living alone on the moon.


1)Maori value the land as do the Chinese and pay homage to land&mdash;traditionally and now.

2)Because Maori deem the Marae as their ancestors&rsquo; body, shoes should be removed. This is so too for Chinese homes, where taking off one&rsquo;s shoes before entering a house is always done, as a mark of respect and cleanliness. Also, Maori Marae just likes the Chinese Ci Tang where people from the Hupu or tribe used to worship their ancestors.

3)Before the coming of the European, Maori chiefs practiced polygamy, as did the Chinese in former times.

4)According to the Chinese tradition, female and male with the same surname are not allowed to get married; this was similar to that of Maori, where people from the same tribe were not encouraged to marry.

5)Traditionally in Maori practice, the marriage of a puhi, a virgin daughter of the chief, was arranged by her father chief or kaumatua. This is similar to that of Chinese noble girls in former times.

6)Utu-revenge used to be done by the Maori tohunga ahurewa (high priest), as did the Chinese, revenge used to be done by the master of martial art.

7)For those Maori people who committed adultery or some other sexual offence, utu was used by the taua wahine (an avenging party). This is similar to that of Chinese adulterers who were punished by drowning.

8)The Maori used and still use herbal medicines, as did and do the Chinese, alongside the use of western medicines.

9)The Maori respect their elderly (kaumatua), their elders or other relationships, such as older brothers and sisters. They have the responsibility to look after their younger siblings. So it is too with the Chinese. Both Maori and Chinese value and function in an extended family circle.

10)The head is the most important part of the body, according to Maori. So it is too for Chinese.

11)Traditionally, Maori used to keep the deadhead of their enemy as a kind of utu. As did the Chinese in ancient time.

12)Rank or heritage right of Maori was theoretically based on the principle of Primogeniture. The first born in the senior male line had the highest rank. So has the oldest Chinese son or grandson, they would receive their father&rsquo;s and grandfather&rsquo;s inheritance.

13)Social control in Maori society was functioned by an interlocking system of rank, Mana (prestige or power), utu, (revenge or payment) and spiritual belief to tapu (sacred force), mauri (life force) and makutu (sorcery). So it was similar to Chinese olden society.

14)During the tangihunga (funerals), Maori chiefs used to offer their relatives and friends a hakari (feasting). So it was too for the well off Chinese.

15)A formal wedding ceremony was not common practice on Maori or Chinese in former times. They just invited their relatives and close friends to attend a banquet or feast.

16)Maori tend to present a koha (gift) when they visit the each other, as do the Chinese.


Other relevant article

New ZealandMaori originated fromChina-A new discovery from Gene Analysis, Mingpao Newspaper, August 11, 1998New Zealand Herald Tuesday, August 11, 1998[NATIONA4]

DNA research shows Maori ancestors came via Taiwan


“The ancestors of Maori and the other Polynesian peoples were  made in Taiwan”, according to research using new techniques for analyzing human DNA.

The people who eventually became the Maori originated in mainland Asia and starting from Taiwan, island &ndash;hopped south, aVictoriaUniversityscientist, Dr. Geoffrey Chambers, said in a report published yesterday by the university.

He said they worked their way through the PhilippinesandIndonesiato West Polynesia and, ultimately, on to the islands of East Polynesia and thenNew ZealandThe institute‘s molecular biology laboratory used human genetic studies from other populations around the world.

Dr. Chambers said that forensic DNA profiles done at Victoriahad also found that Polynesians in general, and Maori in particular, showed less genetic diversity than many other ethnic groups.

The overall probability of finding two individuals with a specific DNA profile was found to be one in 112 million for Asians, one in 47million for Caucasians, one in 6.7million for Polynesians generally and one in 2.8 million for Maori.

Dr. Chambers said the direct ancestors of Maori came from island group northeast of the country.

“The Maori of New Zealand” is well received by the Chinese community locally and overseas, it is also being acknowledged to be the most comprehensive and first Chinese publication about Maori culture.

“The Maori of New Zealand” has brought me the following awards:

1)First Placeof “Professional Chinese Achievement Award” It was conferred by the Asian Institute ofUniversityofAucklandin association with theAucklandChinese Community Centre(August 1999)

2) “Outstanding Chinese Writing in Overseas Social Study”.

The “Federation of Overseas Chinese Association”inTaiwanconferred it (October 1999)

About Song Lam

Song has teaching qualifications from Hong Kongand NZ and has more than thirty years teaching experience. She also holds a B.Ed and teaching Diploma from theUniversityofAuckland, also 2 certificates of Te Reo (Maori language)

Song immigrated to NZ with her husband and two sons in 1990. She has beenntly working as a Bilingual School Facilitator for the Aucklandschools.

Song has been involved the following community works:

EnglishSecretary of World Chinese Writers Association of Exchange Inc.

Founder of Free Language Corners (1996 - ongoing)

Vice Chairperson ofOceaniaChinese Writers&rsquo; Association (97- 99)

Chairperson of Chinese Writers&rsquo; Association of NZ (97- 98)

Vice-Chairperson of Chinese Writers&rsquo; Association of NZ (96- 97)

Song Lam has been promoting the Maori culture for 15 years.

She had been invited to be a guest speaker in both NZ and many overseas educational institutions.

The topic is “The Similarities between Maori and Chinese Cultures”

written by Song Lam:

Early Childhood Education is Fun (Chinese / English) 1994

The Maori of New Zealand(Chinese) 1998

What Do Children learn in NZ Schools (Chinese / English) 1999

The Story of Language Corners (Chinese / English) 2000

My New Life in New Zealand&ndash; (Chinese) 2001

NZ Children Daily Life (Chinese / English) 2001

Famous New Zealanders(Chinese / English) 2006

Selected short stories & prose of Song Lam 2008

Bilingual Children’s Poems (Eng & Chi) 2008

Han Pai poems of Song Lam 2008

Being Maori Chinese (Translation English to Chinese) 2010


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