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英語中用 09-句子的種類
作者:李潤輝  发布日期:2013-03-23 02:00:00  浏览次数:2803
Simple sentence (簡單句):
句裏有一動詞、及一主體 (subject)。就用以前用過的例子:
·        Ice cream is delicious.
·        I like eating ice cream.
·        I like apples and pears.
·        London tower is around the corner.
Double or Compound sentence (雙句或覆合句):
把兩個或多個同等地位的simple sentence 用 ‘and’, ‘or’, 或 ‘but’ 連串起來:
·        Ice cream is delicious, and I like it.
·        Ice cream is delicious, and I like it, but ice cream is not a healthy food.
·        London tower is around the corner, but you have to walk up some steps.
這些句裏後面小句都有條件自成一句,而且與前面小句享有同等地位,如上面的 I like it 或 You have to walk up some steps。
Complex sentence (複雜句):
句裏具有一主句  (main clause),及有一個或多個附屬句 (subordinate clause):
·        I like eating ice cream although I should not be eating it.
·        London tower is around the corner where the tourists are standing.
·        The state government resumed its threat to those councils which defied its order.
下次我們會看看這些Clause 是什麽東西。


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