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梁宗岱《芦笛风》诗集3(双语)/程家惠 译
作者:程家惠  发布日期:2022-01-29 14:16:02  浏览次数:950

菩萨蛮 一

昨夜梦里重相值,依稀风月浑非昔。‘老了,莫蹉跎!’齐声唤‘奈何!’     不甘时已老,依旧相欢好。一觉醒来时,遥遥隔海西。

Tune: Rough Bodhisattva (1)

Again with you in my dream last night,

Our romance gone I found in twilight.

‘Old now, idle not away!’ 

‘Alas!’ in unison we sighed in dismay.

Though with grey hair,

Still we’re like a young loving pair.

Soon I was wide awake to see,

Away you’re far on the other side of the sea.


菩萨蛮 二

新欢旧梦相萦绕,销魂一缕炉烟袅。眉黛一番新,新人似旧人。     此情谁得免?我独何能遣!惆怅梦回时,松阴月正低。

Tune: Rough Bodhisattva (2)

My loves, new and old, are haunting my heart,

Like a wisp of incense entrancing my soul cold.

Her eyebrows refreshed by way of art,

My new love now looks like the old.

Since from such a sweet heart no one can depart,

How can I let her go with a heart of gold!

When I’m awake in sadness from a dream in breeze,

The moon is sinking in the lonely pine trees.

菩萨蛮 三

星眸欲醉芳尊满,新声巧作莺千啭。心事两低迷,弦弦无限思。     曲终重握手,更尽杯中酒。软语细商量,呢喃话短长。

Tune: Rough Bodhisattva (3)

Her starry tipsy eyes reflected in the cup of wine,

My new love aloud sang in a trill of a nightingale.

We both were lost and depressed in grieves and distress;

     Each string touched stirred endless worry and ail. 

Having handshakes again with the melody fading away,

To the last drop we drank in cheer and wail. 

Talking in sweet murmur,

We confided in whisper.


菩萨蛮 四

高楼昨夜西风雨,惊醒几许秋情绪。浙沥复凄清,雨声落叶声?     怜卿多落魄,况此情萧索?起立倚阑干,念卿安不安?

Tune: Rough Bodhisattva (4)

West wind last night blew the tower with patters, 

By which I was awakened in a sad mood.

Were they rain patters or leaf shatters?

In dreary pitter-patter I was lost for good.

For so many of your abjections in tatters,

In autumn so bleak I couldn’t help but sadly brood.

On the railings leaning after rising to my feet,

Anxiously I asked myself: Are you still in the grim sleet?


菩萨蛮 五

小园昨夜梨飘雪,高楼梦断歌声歇。月色正迷茫,鹃声度碎香。      旧欢浑似梦,历历春星共。何事最关情?荼蘼架上明。

Tune: Rough Bodhisattva(5)

In garden last night down flickered pear flower, 

With songs and dreams all broken in the tower.  

In a daze moonlight did flow and fleet,

And cuckoos sang with smells of flowers sweet.

The sweet old days flashed as if in dreams;

Spring stars we shared twinkled in streams. 

What has stirred my greatest worry and care?

Raspberry on the rack tells the story there.

菩萨蛮 六

白帆掩映清溪浦,斜阳夹岸闻啼宇。杜宇且休啼,归心早已飞。     莫嗔归棹晚,差喜春犹灿。折得一枝红,两情融泄风。

Tune: Rough Bodhisattva (6)

White sails reflected in the water green,

To the setting sun on banks not only a cuckoo sings.

Oh, cuckoos, stop not your whistles, 

My heart is already flying home with wings.

Complain not about the lateness of my boat;

To us charming spring still smiles in the sun.

That red rose I have plucked for you

now makes us two in breeze sweet as one.

菩萨蛮 七

相逢莫话人间事,人间那得无愁处?相对忽凄然,茫茫百感牵。   更阑犹蜜语,互把时年诉:别后两凄凉,情长恨更长。

Tune: Rough Bodhisattva (7)

Between us talk nothing about the human race,

'cause where there is no worry and disgrace?

We, face to face, burst into tear,

With a mixture of feelings not clear,

Sweet words we whisper for the whole night,

And to each other we confide the past outright.

A sad separation on both the parting will cast,

And longer than love regret would surely last.

菩萨蛮 八

相偎不觉芳林晚,黄昏一抹嫣红散。投影入江流,天边月姒钩。     深宵犹并立,共听江涛急。涛急作何声?声声唯此情。

Tune: Rough Bodhisattva (8)

When cuddling, night fell on woods we were unaware,

Last rays of the afterglow leaving us the only pair.

With shadow casted on the brook,

The moon beyond on water threw a golden hook.

Abreast we still stood late at night there,

And murmur of billows we could share. 

For what did the billows roar?

For the true love of us and no more.


虞 美 人

相逢不觉秋将尽,密意同形影。如何一夜不曾来,便已恁般轻颤向人偎?     娇嗔忸怩千千态,乍喜还相怪。从今休再问前因,只把温情怜取眼前人。

Tune: Beauty

Unaware of autumn leaving when together we stay,

Like a pair of lovebirds happy and gay. 

We’ve been separated for only one night;

In quivers now she holds me tight?

When pouting bashfully with gestures of grace,

In joy my lovely creature teases me with grimace.

From now on touch the scars in her heart ne'er will I,

And cherish this angel even if the seas go dry. 



Tune: Like a Dream

Embracing each other all the lovely night,

We shared the same warm quilt in delight.

There came a burst of her cry 

For my love deep as the sky.

As if in a dream, 

As if in a dream:

With tears I saw her off in the dim starlight.



前度春来时,两意浓于乳;忘却花残花又开,寂寞春归去。    今日又春来,人在天涯路。欲待掀帘迎接春,春色愁如许!

Tune: Pu Suan Tzu

When Spring came last year,

Thicker than milk was our love so sweet

Forgetting the withering and blooming of the flowers,

In loneliness away Spring did quietly fleet.

There again returns Spring,

My love still on her endless road in distress. 

When I’m lifting the curtain for it, 

Spring comes with sorrow and stress!



天海一何碧!千里月华开。彤云冉冉何处,今夜忽飞来?化作人间花朵,栩栩风前轻舞,清影共徘徊。笑语明窗下,两小各无猜。     人间世,欢有限,且相偎。任人月暗花螟,冷露湿苍苔。但得两情长久,何必琼楼玉宇?即此便蓬莱。情缘莫草草,天上好生栽。

Tune: Water Melody

The sea melts into the blue sky far away

With moonlight sprinkled all the way,

Red clouds float far and near. 

And tonight they suddenly fall here?

All turn into flowers now on the earth,

And lively dance in breeze with mirth.

In breeze shadows whirl in moonlight,

With laughs that thrill the windows bright, 

No secret can escape childhood sweethearts’ sight. 

In this world to which we belong,

Joy will never last long;

Let’s be in hug at moments grim 

Bother not with flowers dry nor the moon dim,

and the cold dew wetting the moss grey?

If between us forever can love stay,

Why care for jade palaces far away?

Since in Penglai we are now.

Do cherish our rose of love anyhow;

And keep it beautiful with our vow.


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