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作者:程家惠  发布日期:2022-09-14 19:13:48  浏览次数:1096



“程译(程家惠 程晟 译)”主要以许渊冲先生翻译的60首李清照诗词(收录在2003年北京大学出版社出版的《文学与翻译》里的1998年的"谈李清照词英译")为参照而进行的“程译”。许老作为中国翻译界泰斗, 他在翻译实践和翻译理论方面都给后人留下许多宝贵的财富和启示, 在中国古诗词翻译方面的成就更是令人敬佩, 留下了很多精彩和经典。当然, 诗歌翻译有失有得, 没有最好, 只有更好, 这给后人提供更多的改进和提高空间, 同时也能触发不同的翻译理念和翻译风格。“程译”的主要特点是:

1、在改进和提高方面, 主要针对原文, 利用现代网络的优势对原意的理解做了更多的求证, 纠正了“许译”本中出现的一些明显的理解和处理上的偏差。当然, 属于"诗无达诂"的问题另当别论。

2、在许老的"三美论(音美、形美、意美)"基础上, 增加了"情美(情感美)", 即变为"四美"。而"四美"中优先考虑的是"情美"。“程译”主要通过想象的合理延伸、语句和语气的处理、选词用字、以形象代替抽象、以动代静、音韵的感染、修辞手法和整体情调的呼应等手段再加上意象和情景的相应的细腻和生动诠释来实现"情美"。“情感翻译”是文学翻译的焦点,文学翻译“最根本的任务就是译‘情’,或者叫做‘情感移植’,离开这一点,就根本谈不上文学翻译”。(许钧,1998)

3、与唐诗不同的是, 宋词的音乐感更强, 它打破了唐诗整齐句法格式, 虽增损字句, 但其韵更具悠扬, 轻灵跳脱, 情意缠绵, 吟诵起来更荡气回肠, 如不一口气读完, 则有不畅感。因此, 同一行词句"可分隔但不可断气", 而断句就意味着"断气", 李清照诸多多愁善感的诗词更是如此。我们认为, 把一行诗词断成更小的诗行, 很容易造成"顺口溜"的感觉, 不但会损害原词的形美, 更会伤害词的气韵和情感。“程译”对一句诗句的翻译多保留与原文"隔而不断"的对应形式, 以保留宋词原有的形美和气韵美。

4、英语的分词状语, 形容词词组状语和独立主格状语的句法结构更适合宋词"隔而不断"的句子表达方式, 也能更好地表达宋词一个句子里意群之间的语意关系。因此, “程译”更注重这类句式的应用。

5、由于词牌与词的意义关系不大, 而且没有统一规范的译法, 容易给读者造成误解。所以“程译”均采用音译加汉语方式, 以便感兴趣的读者考证。许老的译文,除了个别有标题外,其他都只用了词牌,这有可能会误导读者对整首诗词的理解。所以“程译”除了用词牌外,都加上了相应的标题。




(注:因版权问题,本文不便直接转载许渊冲的译文,请到该网页https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/478552754  查看对照,顺序不变。)


            蹴罢秋千, 起来慵整纤纤手。

            露浓花瘦, 薄汗轻衣透。

            见有人来, 袜刬金钗溜。

            和羞走, 倚门回首, 却把青梅嗅。


        Tune of Dianjiangchun(点绛唇): Getting Off The Swing   

        Getting off the swing, her own slender hands she slackly stroked;

        Thick dew hanging from the thin flower, the silk dress her sweat slightly soaked.

        Seeing someone coming, she shied  away only in socks, and off her gold hairpin fell;

        Leaning at the door but looking back, the mume flowers she pretended to smell.


从整首词译来看,“许译”用了较多的断句分行,更多的是考虑押韵;“程译”基本上保持了原作的呈现形式以转达原作的形美、气韵美和情感美。在细节方面,在“慵整纤纤手”的理解上,“许译”用的是“too tired to clean her hands”,而“程译”则用“her own slender hands she slackly stroked”,我们考虑,原词所描写的少女的羞涩和纯美主要体现在她的一举一动,而她“慵懒地拍了拍自己的手”更能体现少女的美,少了这个动作,整首词的动感就大大折扣,也无法给读者带来更丰富细腻的想象空间。“许译”的口语较浓,“程译”的书面语较浓,也许更符合古诗词典雅的风格。


            昨夜雨疏风骤, 浓睡不消残酒。

            试问卷帘人, 却道海棠依旧。



        Tune of Rumengling(如梦令): Last Night

        Last night the rain drizzled but the wind roared far and near,

        And the tipsiness my deep sleep failed to clear.

        Asking the maid rolling up the curtain,

        I hear: "The begonias look the same for certain."

        "Don't you see? Don't you see?" I utter,

        "The leaves flourish but the flowers wither!"


对原文里的“风骤”,“程译”采用了“wind roared”的拟人手法,更凸显狂风对海棠的无情摧残,衬托诗人对花的担忧和强烈的情感。对“知否?知否?”的处理,我们认为“don't you know?”语气过重,而且打开窗帘为的是视觉,所以“程译”用了“Don't you see?”。在许译的“The red should languish and the green must grow”中,languish的拟人手法技高一筹。


            湖上风来波浩渺, 秋已暮, 红稀香少。

            水光山色与人亲, 说不尽无穷好。

            莲子已成荷叶老, 清露洗, 苹花汀草。

            眠沙鸥鹭不回头, 似也恨人归早。


          Tune of Yuanwangsun(怨王孙): On The Lake

        Kissing the lake gently, the breezes make endless ripples and rolls of jade;

        The late autumn falls, when flowers wither and fragrances fade.

        Rivers and hills melting deep into my heart,

        What an infinitely wonderful world of God's art.


        The lotus leaves are aging, and getting old are the seeds;

        The fresh dew cleanses the grass flowers and water weeds.

        Gulls and herons lying on the sands wouldn't look back vainly,

        Seemingly hating to see people leave too early.


“程译”用“Kissing the lake gently”的拟人手法,使breeze更有诗意,而且与后面的“水光山色与人亲”遥相呼应,凸显人与自然的和谐。在处理“水光山色与人亲”时,“许译”用“But mountains mirrored in water become my friend”有其独特的魅力;“程译”用“Rivers and hills melting deep into my heart”使人与自然之间的亲情拉得更近。


            卖花担上, 买得一枝春欲放。

            泪染轻匀, 犹带彤霞晓露痕。

            怕郎猜道, 奴面不如花面好。

            云鬓斜簪, 徒要教郎比并看。


          Tune of Mulanhua(减字木兰花): A Flower 

        From a flower seller, I've bought one ready for its spring show;

        Dotted with tears of the morning dew, it bears rosy glow.

        I pin it slanting in my hair for my dear to compare,

        Lest he might think, as the flower my face looks not so fair.    


“程译”保留了原文一气呵成的语气和语句。在处理“怕郎猜道”的“郎”时,“许译”用了“my lord”,无形中疏远了夫妻之间的距离,与“郎”也不太对应。“程译”则用“my dear”,这样也许更能体现当时夫妻的关系和妻子对丈夫的情感。


            红藕香残玉簟秋。轻解罗裳, 独上兰舟。

            云中谁寄锦书来?雁字回时, 月满西楼。

            花自飘零水自流。一种相思, 两处闲愁。

            此情无计可消除, 才下眉头, 却上心头。


          Tune of Yijianmei(一剪梅): A Plum Flower

        Pink lotus fragrance fading, the jade-like mat of bamboo does autumn chill;

        Having unfastened my silk robe, alone I get on the orchid boat lying still.

        Bring me love letters from clouds, who will?

        When wild geese fly back for the night,

        My bower has been drowned in the moon light.


        Flowers fall, when water flows,

        The same moon brings us two far apart more woes.

        This sorrow, however I dispel, away it never goes;

        Just sinking down from my brow,

        It comes up again to my heart now.


“许译”把“西楼”译为“bower’s gate”值得商榷,“程译”采用的是“My bower”,这也许与当时的意境更贴切,而且用“drowned in the moon light”才能把“月满西楼”的“满”表达出来。针对“云中谁寄锦书来?”,“许译”用了“Who in the cloud would bring me letters in brocade?”,经查“锦书”在古代最初是指写在在锦缎上的文句,后泛指华丽的书信或情书,显然“letters in brocade”是一种误解。而“程译”用的是“Bring me love letters from clouds, who will?”,也许更贴近原意。

全词翻译的焦点集中在“才下眉头, 却上心头”,“许译”用了“From eyebrows kept apart, Again it gnaws my heart.”,挺有玩味,情美,意美,音也美。“程译”用“Just sinking down from my brow, It comes up again to my heart now.”,字面上更贴近原文。


            薄雾浓云愁永昼, 瑞脑销金兽。

            佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱橱, 半夜凉初透。

            东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。

            莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦!


        Tune of Zuihuayin(醉花阴): Thin Mist And Heavy Clouds

        Thin mist and heavy clouds gloom the endless day;

        From a gold beast censer curls up smoke green and gray.

        Double Ninth Day comes again in the same way;

        Chilled by the midnight in descent,

        I lie on the cold jade pillow inside the gauze tent.


        Drinking at dusk amid chrysanthemums sticking out of leaves,   

        I feel fragrance permeating both of my sleeves.

        Don't say it doesn't bring me anxieties and grieves;

        West wind rolling up the curtain at this hour,

        You’ll find me more haggard than a yellow flower!


对“金兽”一词,“许译”用的是“golden censer”,而“程译”用的是“gold beast censer”。诗人用的“兽”也是为了渲染世间的无情和冷漠,因此不可或缺。“许译”把“东篱把酒黄昏后”译为“At dusk I drink before chrysanthemums in bloom”,表达简洁传神。“程译”译为“Drinking at dusk amid chrysanthemums sticking out of their leaves”,后面的“sticking out of leaves”似乎画蛇添足,但也是一种合理的联想和押韵的需要,同时也能体现菊花那种挺拔坚毅的高贵品德。另外在“chrysanthemums”前用“amid”也许画面更生动,给读者更丰富的想象空间。针对“人比黄花瘦”的“瘦”,“许译”用“thin”,“程译”用“haggard”, 我们认为这里的“瘦”应该是憔悴。











    Tune of Fenghuangtaishangyichuixiao(凤凰台上忆吹箫):Incense Sleeping In Ash Dead 

    Incense sleeping in ash dead, quilt lying in waves red, getting up weary I don’t come my hair,  

    Leaving the fine dresser covered with dust, and the sun hanging on the hook of the curtain.

    Fearing the parting pain, I have to bite back all I want to share;

    Lately I grow thin, not because of drinking, nor because of the sad autumn, for certain.


    Well, let it be! Now singing the parting song even thousands of times can't make you stay.

    Oh, far away you’ll be, alone I'll wait in the misted bower with more grief and concern,

    Only the flowing water in front can understand me gazing afar all day.

    Hence, when looking far, new sorrow will double my yearning for your return.


这首词的“许译”整体上很有灵气,特别是最后两行的译文“From now on where I gaze all day long with a vacant stare,A new grief will grow there.”尤为传神。但“非干病酒”译为“I'm sick with wine”恐怕不妥,因为“sick with...”多为“患...病”,所以“程译”采用了“not because of drinking”;另外“许译”把“休休!”译为“Be done, be done!”,意思和语气与原文都有一定的差距,“程译”用了“Well, let it be! ”也许更好。


            春到长门春草青, 红梅些子破, 未开匀。

            碧云笼碾玉成尘, 留晓梦, 惊破一瓯春。

            花影压重门, 疏帘铺淡月, 好黄昏。

            二年三度负东君, 归来也, 着意过今春!


Tune of Xiaochongshan(小重山):Spring

Spring knocking at the lonely palace gate with grass green, plum blossoms begin to bloom, not all evenly open to be seen.

Green ball of tea ground into dust of jade, still indulged in dream at dawn, I have a sip, startling that cup of spring scene.

On all doors flower shadows heavily fall, what a dusk with moonlight flowing through the curtain sparse and tall,

Letting down Spring King three times in two years, do come back, my dear, for the sake of  spring’s call!


对“春到长门”,“许译”用的是“Spring comes to my long gate”, 如果没有附注,容易使人费解,“程译”用“Spring knocking at the gate of the lonely palace”也许更好,另外“Spring knocking”拟人表达手法更形象生动;“许译”把“惊破一瓯春”译为“From morning dream have woke me up”是一种误解,“woke”在此应为“woken或waked”。原文表达的意思应该是:惊破了一杯碧绿的春景。因此,“程译”采用了“startling that cup of spring scene”;为了押韵“许译”用了“this delight unalloyed”,“unalloyed”也有画蛇添足之嫌;对“东君”的翻译,“许译”用的是“spring”, “程译”用的是一种归化的译法“Spring King”,保留了原文的含义和拟人手法。


            枝上流莺和泪闻, 新啼痕间旧啼痕。

            一春鱼雁无消息, 千里关山劳梦魂。

            无一语, 对芳樽, 安排肠断到黄昏。

            甫能炙得灯儿了, 雨打梨花深闭门。


        Tune of Zhegutian(鹧鸪天):  Orioles In The Trees Merrily Sing

        Orioles in the trees merrily sing,

        New tears streaming down my face mixed with the old strings.

        Neither fish nor wild geese bring me any news the whole spring,

        For thousands of miles over mountains to see him my dreaming soul wings.  

        Silent, lonely before the goblet, I sit awake;

        From morning to dusk my heart does break.

        The lamp burnt out during the night lonesome,

        Outside the closed door, the rain lashes on the pear blossom.


 就“千里关山劳梦魂”,“许译”用“How can my dreaming soul go miles on miles o' er mountains?”,其中“soul go”既为了拟人,也为了内韵,因此一举两得。“程译”则用“For thousands of miles over mountains to see him my dreaming soul wings. ”,其中“soul wings”把灵魂比作一只会飞的鸟,这更符合人们的联想习惯,比喻也许更为形象。“许译”把“雨打梨花”译为“The rain beats on pear flowers”,意韵比较平淡,而“程译”则译为“the rain lashes on the pear blossom”,其中的“lashes”把雨丝比作鞭子,想象更为丰富,更能体现诗人那时的强烈情感,也彰显了诗译的“情美”。


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