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作者:进生  发布日期:2011-06-04 02:00:00  浏览次数:2832

作者附言: 首先感谢澳华文学网给我这个机会上传我的双向译稿。也谢谢网主谭毅博士。我的团队,将《域外的歌》里的相关作品用作双向翻译,刚开始尝试。感觉有 趣而有些艰难。好在是自己的作品,自由度便相应地容易掌控,大到象是二度创作。希望能同感兴趣的朋友交流,对澳华文学的发展也有益处,我这里欢迎任何批评 与指教。我的团队也会认真负责地记录下您的任何建议,并在计划明年出版的《进生散文双语文选》(一)中原文一一刊出,以此表达真诚的谢意。

E-mail address: Jinshengaus@gmail.com




满世界都象充满了电闪的眩光和仿佛在头顶炸开又远远滚动着的雷声。电闪的眩光里,世界看到一匹安详地站立着的银灰色的母马同她的小马驹,她俩的身躯在黑暗中 发出微光。马驹极力用细瘦的四条腿趔趔趄趄地站起,它勇敢地极力抬起头,同时感觉到母亲正用她的鼻子安详地轻轻托着它的躯体。它对世界还茫然无知,但安心 地感受到了母亲的呵护和依靠,它稳稳地站起,低头去母腹下寻找生命的乳汁。

       从此它依徬着母亲,细弱的身架迅速地吸纳着大地新鲜的养分和感触。它追随着母亲的蹄印,双双奔驰在高地青青的草原上。有时它围绕着母亲一圈又一圈奔跑;在雾 气笼罩的山谷,嗅着空中飘着的野花的芬芳和青草的清香,不由地腾空跃起。它也会在多石的小山斜坡上啃吃灌木丛里遍布的野果。冬天,母子俩一起踩着轻快的舞 步,在雪地里探寻深埋浅冻的根茎和草叶。朝陽中﹐它愛同母親一起站在山巔, 看那浮在雲霧中的山象駿馬躍動時的脊樑﹐陽光鍍亮的雲翼象駿馬奔馳飛揚起的鬃毛。这一切的景象都给它一种奇异的感觉, 好奇着遥远高山的那边,也使它象沙山吸水那样丰富着自己的感受。



它站在一棵山毛榉树下斑斑点点的阴影里,凝视着那匹正用长嘶回应King 寻衅的红鬃马,也用一颗年青的心听着那来自山谷的回音。

仿佛天空灰暗了,云层阴郁而破碎。一道兰色的闪电照出了世界此时的荒凉。它看着红鬃马战斗到最后一刻倒下。小鸟和细碎的白蝴蝶飞来,看到已经奄奄一息的红鬃马,还在极力抬起头,目光凝视着走近的小马驹。小马驹的心破碎了,一种要为红鬃马复仇的欲望燃烧在胸膛。它低下颈子轻轻嗅着红鬃马的呼吸,瞧那凝結在紅色鬃毛上的片片血跡,枸成了怪異的暗影。它那双黑色的眼睛在昏暗中也因愤怒而闪亮。不幸的消息象风传遍崇山峻岭,許多嚶嚶嗡嗡的小精灵闻讯急忙趕来,眼含热泪向山林里一位欢跃而烈性的朋友告别。……山坡上一團奔跑着的熱情消失了,雪地裡閃耀着的一團火熄滅了。母親也不見了: 就象被一陣風吹散了﹐就象一雲朵消失在藍天。接踵而至的沉寂使得世界显得那样怪诞。只有山野丛林里的小精灵还记得在那些静夜里,这一对四蹄飞奔的马儿,穿过灌木丛林,跃过倒地的树木与树桩,穿越大雪覆盖的高原时曾留下的声响;…那是自由不羁的灵魂;如今留给世界的是分外的寂寞和忧伤。


它已經長大﹐決心要去印證心裡那來自遙遠的神秘感應。它要去遠方追尋一個夢﹐探訪另一種神奇的生命。巨型針葉樹在地底虯曲盤根﹐高聳入雲的原生林筆立如峭壁﹐巨大的山谷形成風的通道水的流徑: 山傾斜而下的盡頭有陌生而神秘的靈魂﹐那種生命更偉岸﹑友善而溫情。

為了開始命定的旅程﹐它需要了卻自己的第一個心願。就像清晨的露珠闪现在新鲜的草尖,当它毫不犹豫地用黑色的大眼向King 投去闪电般的锐利目光时,King 只能迎战。此時,整個世界仿彿凝縮成了眼前這直立而可怖的雄健身軀,高擎的在搏擊着的雙蹄﹐它的雙目怒張到極限﹐渾圆黑亮的瞳仁﹐鋒利如月牙似的眼白﹐無不透射出要賦予頑抗的強蠻生命以死亡的威脅。

一阵寒意突然缠绕住已经虚汗淋漓的King, 長滿白色圓斑的脖頸已經傷痕纍纍。恐懼產生的細微而不自禁的痙攣使它难以自主.而地下的树根也伸出来绊住它的脚髁。一块石子让king 差点绊倒。它的肌肉僵直而無活力,一如纷乱的额毛。它的双眼都看不清自己的鼻尖。King 退縮開去,一边高举双蹄防范着打击,后腿却准备着逃窜。它迅速往上看,满眼只有银灰马的凛然杀气;遵循着明智的選擇,它四蹄着地﹐青色的鬃毛紛紛披落﹐扭轉身軀頭也不回地竄进茂密的树林。身後﹐驀地響起一陣令它胆寒的長嘶﹐那顫音迴蕩﹐挾風應谷.


...它四蹄飛動﹐交錯地踩過卵石鋪陳的河床﹑濺過淹沒腳踵的小溪﹑掠過柔軟的草地... 那飄忽迅疾的光影﹐穿過叢林,使枝葉沙沙響﹔飄過山峽,使峽谷蓝色的陰影裡閃現一道日光。﹔它從霧中衝出, 又融入霧裡﹔它飛過雪原﹐留下深深而悠远的蹄痕﹐去讓满天飄忽的新雪片掩埋……它因為飢渴, 駐足在乾涸的河谷尋覓着漸漸不見的水流; 它珍惜清晨的露珠,它寻找着山间能留住水的石坑。它揚頸審視着凹凸傾斜的岩壁,舔着細小的水痕,寶貴的涓滴。那水從高處岩石的裂縫中滲出,千辛萬苦曲曲折折流下﹐又滲入沙鑠和石底,在不可見的地底黑暗裡汇聚汹涌它是如此驚訝﹐驚訝着充沛水量的重新出現.它快樂地沐浴在轟響着的瀑布近旁﹐在七彩的虹雲下﹐水珠子停在半空或击打它的头顶,冲刷着它的皮毛;它領悟着水的哲理禁不住引頸長嘯。这是象音韵一样古老的歌,象歌一样古老的曲调。那扑擊而下的水頭,濺射出千萬點水片﹑也撞擊出震耳的轟鳴。它們蹦跳着﹑急濺着﹑衝撞着,重新彙聚成磅礡的水流, 奔向它也要去的那一方.


前方橫臥着一片纯净,却有一種聲音。它遠遠地站在那兒雙眼審視著底下兩邊的世界;那是倾斜而下的起伏的丘陵,就近却是一片积雪的黑森林:树冠上是晶莹的白雪,枝条上是镶金镀银般的串串冰凌。它轻轻抬起前脚,踢落了一颗小石子,听那石子跌落陡峭的悬崖而它站在悬崖上的高大身躯,那样沉静而自然,就象是生於斯长於斯。它壓抑住心中的狂喜﹐雙耳竖起﹐朝著同一個方向﹐沉靜地傾聽;一個來自內心的聲音告訴它,躍下前面那斷崖, 從此﹐這旅程會順遂得多,驀然回首﹐一條條大山就象水中浮游着的島,那水就是滾動的雲。這雲﹑這山在告訴它﹐是它﹑是它把來自亙古的感應終於付之了行動﹗


在峡谷岩壁投下的蓝色阴影里,仿佛回应银灰马落地的震响与它欢快的嘶鸣,那些散布着的千块岩石应声幻成马群,就象不屈的生命从落下的花瓣上重生.当 奔腾的马群穿过积雪的黑森林,被白雪压弯的枝条纷纷抖落她们蕴积的情愫,幻出雪白的马群。奇迹般,银灰马一马当先率领起奔腾的彩色马群,天风扬起它们的鬃 毛。它们奔进一条浅显的岩石河滩,就象一条斑斓色彩的汹涌洪流,波涛拓宽着河面,寻找着出口,冲到了起伏的沙质平原。天地间是马蹄的轰响,一直冲向遥远的 前方。这真是梦幻的旅程。

      …但它却再不见踪影。传说,它曾一直向前奔到大地的边缘,佇立在大海邊﹔一層層細碎的浪花親昵地涌到腳下,金色的沙子不息地移动﹐使它偶爾輕輕抬起一足﹐瞧海水滲入柔軟的細沙﹔它不斷地頜動着鼻孔,嗅着帶咸味的風﹐聽憑這風吹干缎子般光滑的披毛上的汗珠﹐兩只耳朵隨意地捕捉聲音,只感覺到與海相聯的世界的活躍清新,於 是向着海面沉靜地眨動着那雙溫柔的黑色大眼。有三只海鸥栖息在浪涛柔和的水花肩头,还有几根羽毛漂浮在海面,随波逐流。海面上蓬松柔软的云团接住了西沉的 太阳。凝视着这云,这水,灵魂也被裹进,它感觉到了海的脉搏,她的呼吸,她的呼喊和梦想。这景象陌生而又熟悉,却使它成了其中的一部分;仿佛来自一个与岁 月一样古老的故事,却无比真诚。

又有傳說,漫步穿过海边的森林(这骏马背上落下林中一对小鸟,它们用翅膀互相揽着腰肢,一路鸣唱着),它回到了原來的高山之巔﹐并很快地贏得了最高的尊崇…常常有小馬駒,站在清晨或黃昏的山巔﹐凝視着腳下的世界﹐——鬃毛分兩束從前額披下,那 眼就在鬃毛後凝神﹔一道古老的陽光來自它的祖先﹐使它成了自由的精靈﹕山傾斜的盡頭堆積着岩塊的平地﹐那里,雨点跳跃在细微的水波和峻峭的浪尖,太阳在波 涛里沐浴,而来自江河湖海的风,都显示着一种親近的靈魂﹐那種生命更偉岸﹑友善而溫情﹐就象天籁之音,在隱隱地呼喚自己去追尋。


 (转译自《Silver Horse of Ancestors》)    



  它誕生在群山之巔﹐離天只低一點的地方﹐那夜有十足的風暴和雷電。是一匹銀灰色的駿馬﹐搶在風暴前進入山洞﹐安全地給予了它獨立的生命。電閃的眩光不時地將 它來到世間的第一場景從黑暗中奪出﹐而那轟隆隆仿彿就在頭頂炸開﹑又不息地遠遠滾去的雷聲﹐第一次向它預示了世界的廣大和“遠方”的神秘。它感激地躺在母 親身邊﹐渾身濕漉漉的﹐等待着自己獨立站起來的那一刻。

   它 依傍着母親﹐細弱的身架迅速地吸納着大地新鮮的養份和感觸﹔它追隨着母親的蹄印﹐雙雙奔馳在高地青青的草原上﹔它們一起踩着輕快的舞步﹐在雪地裡探尋深埋 淺凍的根莖和草葉。就這樣﹐它神速地獲取着力量。朝陽中﹐它愛同母親一起站在山巔﹐看那浮在雲霧中的山象駿馬躍動時的脊樑﹐陽光鍍亮的雲翼象駿馬奔馳飛揚 起的鬃毛。它前額下專注的眼神﹐卻總是超脫了那一刻﹐盯住雲盯住山又非常遙遠起來。仿彿有一道古老的陽光來自它的祖先﹐使它不懈地思索﹕風吹來的那邊是什 麼世界?雲涌去的那邊又是什麼?誕生之夜聽到的轟隆隆仿彿就在頭頂炸開﹑又不息地遠遠滾去的雷聲﹐總在模模糊糊地向它宣示某種難解的宿命命題。




   它懂得了怎樣叫堅持戰鬥到最後一刻,它親眼見紅鬃馬終於曲起前腿無力地倒下,就是倒下了還用一隻溫柔而遺憾的大眼向上凝視着年輕的馬駒﹔血從頭﹑頸的傷口涌出,那是生命在慢慢離開軀體。許多嚶嚶嗡嗡的小生命趕來安排葬禮。它走近過去﹐低垂着頸子站在一旁﹐瞧那凝結在紅色鬃毛上的片片血跡,枸成了怪異的暗影。……山坡上一團奔跑着的熱情消失了,雪地裡閃耀着的一團火熄滅了。母親也不見了: 就象被一陣風吹散了﹐就象一雲朵消失在藍天。


   為了開始命定的旅程﹐它需要了卻自己的第一個心願﹕它向 King 提出了挑戰。


King膽怯了﹐長滿白色圓斑的脖頸已經傷痕纍纍。恐懼產生的細微而不自禁的痙攣﹐使它的肌肉更僵直而無活力。遵循着明智的選擇﹐King 退縮開去﹐它四蹄着地﹐青色的鬃毛紛紛披落﹐扭轉身軀頭也不回地竄開。身後﹐驀地響起一陣令它胆寒的長嘶﹐那顫音迴蕩﹐挾風應谷。



    它因為飢渴, 駐足在乾涸的峽谷,尋覓着漸漸不見的水流。它揚頸審視着傾斜的岩壁,舔着細小的水痕﹑寶貴的涓滴。那水從高處岩石的裂縫中滲出,千辛萬苦曲曲折折流下﹐又滲入沙鑠和石底, 在不可見的地底黑暗裡汇聚汹涌它是如此驚訝﹐驚訝着充沛水量的重新出現﹗它快樂地沐浴在轟響着的瀑布近旁﹐在七彩的虹雲下﹐領悟着水的哲理﹐禁不住引頸長嘯。那扑擊而下的水頭,濺射出千萬點水片﹑也撞擊出震耳的轟鳴。它們蹦跳着﹑急濺着﹑衝撞着,重新彙聚成磅礡的水流,奔向它也要去的那一方……沿途﹐它相遇到各種各樣的生命﹐但沒有一種能藕合它心底那神秘的感應。它繼續前行﹐不捨地伴着日月的運行……


 聽那一聲長嘶﹐它四蹄飛動﹐全身每一塊肌肉霎时都服從著同一個慾望﹐它幻成了一道灰色的光影﹐疾射前去﹐一掠而縱下斷崖﹗斷崖啊,千丈深淵,刀劈似的揮落過多少生命﹗只有它才能有如此的一躍﹐落地有聲﹗懸崖下千姿百態蹲伏的岩塊應聲幻成千萬匹駿馬!……它穿過第一片積雪的叢林﹐被白雪壓彎的枝條紛紛抖落她們蘊積的情愫﹐幻出了奔騰的馬群﹗……就這樣﹐它率領着清新鮮活的同胞來到了堆積着岩塊的平地﹐那有更高的生命﹑使自由有更多色彩的地方﹔又廣闊地散佈開去﹐ 象水流的沒入地表﹐消失在遼闊的草原﹑新的起起伏伏的山谷﹐成了同另一種心靈相伴的朋友。


  傳說﹐它曾一直向前奔到雲兒飛起的地方﹐佇立在大海邊﹔一層層細碎的浪花親昵地涌到腳下﹐使它偶爾輕輕抬起一足﹐瞧海水滲入柔軟的細沙﹔它不斷地頜動着鼻 孔﹐嗅着帶咸味的風﹐聽憑這風吹干披毛上的汗珠﹐兩只耳朵隨意地捕捉聲音﹐只感覺到與海相聯的世界的活躍清新﹐於是向着海面沉靜地眨動着承自母親的那雙溫 柔的黑色大眼……又有傳說它回到了原來的高山之巔﹐很快地贏得了最高的尊崇……常常有小馬駒,站在清晨或黃昏的山巔﹐凝視着腳下的世界﹐——鬃毛分兩束從前額披下,那眼就在鬃毛後凝神﹔一道古老的陽光來自它的祖先﹐使它成了自由的精靈﹕山傾斜的盡頭堆積着岩塊的平地﹐那裡有親近的靈魂﹐那種生命更偉岸﹑友善而溫情﹐在隱隱地呼喚自己去追尋。



(选自《Songs of the outback》(一))  

     Silver Horse Of Ancestors

In the high mountains he was born. At that night the storm clouds percolated at the mountain edges and heavy thunder and a massive lightning storms had hissed down upon the lofty mountain peak and lit up earthIt was a mare who luckily escaped and found shelter in a nearby cave on the lee side and safely given birth to a foal.

The air inside was warmer, and the ground beneath his creased and shivers skin was soft dirt. The foal took very first a deep breath, inhaling the earthy smell and calmly heard so many different sounds around the cave: outside there was the torrential rain beating down on the hilly crests.

Without warning, there was a huge flash of forked lightning across the sky, followed thunder crackled through the air around him. In the distance, he heard a slow creaking sound, then a thunder bolt. Mingled with thunders, lightning flashed againOccasionally the fire of lightning took snapshots of the scenes of out the darkness a mare stood still with her baby horse: silver-grey coat shimmered; She-Horse was so beautiful; beside his mother the colt was tottering on his long, wobbly legs. The baby horse lifted his head up and, feeling that mother calmly touched and nudged his chest with her nose. Without any idea what happened but with comfortable feeling of mother’s great presence, the foal groggily got to his feet and then was surefooted, lowered his head and tried to nuzzle under Mother Horse’s belly.

 Alongside Mother Horse from this time forth he stood. They were like one creature; he had a silver coat with a gray mane and tail as mother’. Following Mother Horse around imitating whatever she did, munching on a bush, kept running in circle round and round his mother and skipping in the air with joy; around them the hills folded in the mist, he smelled the sweet soft air that the wild flowers yielding, and the scent of fresh young grass. Side by side, they came to a walk, then a trot, and cantered, and then they galloped together beneath blight, full moon, through a meadow-covered plateau like “bird”. Feeding on the slopes of the tor; the rocks on the tors were thick with bushes, covered with fruit. Winter, following her lead and they walked into the deep, crisp blanked of snow, digging the fog and small patch of green grass and roots under a cloak of snow. And in the morning sun, he stood beside his mother; under his watchful eyes, clouds drifting by, the very bright white clouds hovered over the mountains which were almost like the flying mane. The ridgeline flooding in the immense wave of cloud looked like horses back; also those shapes form and clouds lay piled layer upon layer advancing slowly and, all produced an odd feeling to him that he absorbed like water pouring to the sand hill. Over the moment, his eyes still looked, scanning the world thoughtfully. Seemly a million years gone by in his mind’s eyes ; so he was curious to see that far beyond the highest mountains, that beyond the far end of one concealed valley.

And as if having a thought from his ancestors:”as a wind moves, so does memory; there was a tale as old as hills, true as it can be“. Kept he thinking:”What is the space the wind’s coming from? What is the world the clouds behind the slow creaking sound, behind a thunder bolt--- at that night he was bornSomehow became his destined theme and, It was as though he was hearing his own voice from that scene.

And beneath star-filled sky in the mountain, feeling the wind behind blew his grey mane forward, which partly covering both sides of his forehead, his eyes rested another horse who famous for his courageous and handsome. He had deep red coat, standing with Mother Horse; and with eyes so large and syrupy they nudged each other with noses, detecting burning passion in their looks. She-Horse’s smile was broad and warm and that told Silver Horse everything he needed to know. Having found them both an echo in each other’s heart, an outburst enthusiasm truly like; Red horse galloped into blanked of snow, speckled red coat glistened like a fire flying over snowy field. But he was soon attacked by King Horse who ill-tempered with merciless cruelty.

From beneath a dappled shade of the beech tree he stood watching: …Red horse neighed back to King Horse, a challenge in his voice, and echoed off his voice the mountains wall…

     Then was very dark the sky, the clouds black and bruised. A flash of blue lightning turned the world bright and stark. With the birds and the tine white butterflies around, Red Horse was lying on the ground barely breathing who, yet somehow lifted his head then dropped it again and laid eyes on Silver Horse as if he wanted to show something for him. Silver Horse, his eyes were fixed on Red Horse, felt it broken himself in two-half and, the need to avenge Red Horse heating his thoughts. Silver Horse stretched his neck down to sniff Red Horse’s breaths. When staring at the blood stained red coat, Silver’s dark eyes, even in the dim light, glimmered. Lots unknown Little Things passed on the news to their dear friends in a thin but indignant voice, feeling a friend’s death and rustled through the bush to look at the frisky spirited one, and with tears in their eyes and in their voice, so sang a very mournful song from heart and they had attended the funeral. Death had Red Horse; and the frisky fire which always flied over snowy field with the burning passion for loving one had gone with wind forever.

Then after, he found the mother horse gone too and, without any explanation, like a white cloud ending in the sky; from that moment the silence was so eerie. But in dense woods one really fond memory the Little Elves had of them was the sound of galloping hooves, the sound of a spanking pair of horses breaking the quit of through the bush woods, leaping over fallen trees and branches, jumping over old stumps and tall weeds, dashing through the winter snow over the fields; … those free roving souls; …now only left so alone and blue.

But in the face of Red Horse’s death and Mother Horse’s vanish, there was birth---The legend of Silver Horse was born. He ran in mists, in snow, driving rain or through a driving storm, and on was the most free spirited of horse over rough mountainous terrain.

And so had The Steed grown up and yet had a dream from an inborn certainty. He want go for a long journey to confirm a mysterious interaction from his inner world. And between the wind-whipped cliffs there were huge suberect forests, and the roots of trees, as coniferous as deciduous, had struck deep into earth, entwined, as like water seeped into the underground: there was the source of many legends. The peaceful valley was a vast funnel through for mountain winds and brooks. On the journey the spanker would go for chasing the wind that blew between the valleys, and for galloping like water flowing from mountains peaks stretching down to the earths rim; where were mysterious souls there new and as being close, so stalwart and amicable and so full of tenderness.

In order to make a start on his predestined journeys, he needed to settle a claim of his first will. Like the first dew fall on the first grass as he met King’s arrogant stare, without the slightest hesitation, Silver Horse’s deep, dark eyes seemed to light up a lightning in the sky over his opponent:”I am the choice that I have made!” The front hooves off the rocky ground, and he nickered and reared up, kicking his front legs into King; his ears perked up; the two long forelocks hung down on either side and drooped over his eyes that made his eyes appear a crescent-shaped in two pairs, each showing half black and half white and full of murderous look with all his weight –was there for all the world to see.

A sudden gust of cold wind came snaking over the king in a form; also having white spots all over his neck there were big purple areas that been hit sharply in by his challenger’s hooves and the pain vibrated up and down along from skull to tailbone via the vertebrae; moreover the roots of trees reached up to trip his ankles. King, slipped over a rock , also muscles froze and shivered in a swirling breeze as his mashed foretop, hadn’t the power in his eyes to see to the tip of his nose but a kind of horror in his eyesHis whole body did not synchronize anymore. He had hopelessly retreaded a sensible distance and with his front legs poised to protect himself and his rear legs helpless ready to flee. And King looked up quickly and only Silver Horse, whose muscles of steel rippled beneath his skin, filled his entire field of vision. Following the cleaver choice and the very brain his dear life before Silver Horse had a chance to pick him to forty pieces; King hung down his hooves, and veered off then just like that snaked into dense woods.

Having a wind in his back and threw his head back , Silver horse nickered loudly that cry resonating through his broad chest, that cry gone from glen to glen, down to mountain side, vibrating , lingering in the blue empty sky, and as if caring a chill wind over the valleys folded in the mist..

He finally put his front legs down the ground, and still felt his muscles of the body stressful. Oh, Silver Horse, who standing upon the lofty mountain peak, farouche and stationary, fresh and green and majestic, and having the spiritual beings as old as rhyme!

Like Pegasus he galloped into sedately flowing stream shingly with splashing lightly in the water. Oh the shimmering Silver Horse…he galloped when summer’s in the rolling meadow, when the valley’s hushed and white with the falling snow. He run up and down, run up and down, over hill and dale, through the grass like a gust of wind blew, through the scrub and trees, as if the silver spear of light shade pierced the woods and thrust downwards into valley . He tore of the cold blue air in the valley and vanished into the haze like a beam of silver light shot suddenly from the gap of a dense fog. He galloped over white-out field while freshly fallen snowflakes whirled against any object, dancing in the wind, settling, blowing, drifting, and covering those deep hoof prints.

For quenching his thirst, he stopped at wady and sniffed at the air, hunting the whispering of the water. High up on the escarpment’s concave-convex wall a tine spring bubbled from the crevices between the rocks, and the tiny water crisscrossing down the rockagain seeped into the limestone and disappeared underground. Oh the waterthe stream, the burns kept flowing in the darkness, gathering power as an inspiration for the future of a river How far could it travel when it was many feet underground? But nonetheless, surely to the far end of one concealed valley and making up rhyme in any adverse circumstancesThe spanker tested the pearls of mornings dew, he reached the dew-pond to drinkWith colorful rainbow shining and drumming of the waterfall, rain-drops stopped in the air or kept falling on his head and refreshing on his hot skin, being aware of the water spirits that as a unique way of treating the world.

Watching the raging torrents in cascades of form against the great rocks below, water was gushing down  splashed, clustered like bubbles ,swirled as bright as white snow, re-formed, flowing as torrents of water again as his both loyal and trustworthy companion. This was song as old as rhyme, tune as old as song…

…With great excitement he threw his head back and reared up and nickered.

He had galloped this earth like an arrow down the path and watched lives he met; he was savvy enough to absorb the pearls of wisdom and trying to find out the kind who was echoing in his beaten track even after many along hard journey and the things he craved.

The wind kept telling him that: “Valleys to the east”.

At the top of the last long highest hill, abruptly, the horse stopped running and stood still, aware that he’d heard something, sensed something; the whole atmosphere was sensitive to something unknown. He lifted hoof off the ground, then hitting the ground again; a rock slid out from beneath his hoof, bounced away and fell down into the canyon, silently. He stood still like a horse statue, feeling so incredible tall; he looked completely natural in the place, as if he’d been born there. As the earth tilted enough to let his eyes staring at the both sides that stretched below front him; a black forest covered in snow, where the tree tops glisten and, snow hung on tree branches like was washing. There was a rolling downy landscape, so much energy with a feeling of expectancy in the air; so beautiful so mystical aura that took away Sliver Horse’s breathe.

His ears pointed straight up to the deep blue sky, his eyes scanned both side of the world, hearing a sound over the air, in his blood. Silver Horse felt in every little place inside him the cry. And the peaceful feeling floating softly inside him and a simple voice inside him kept pointing out that, on leaping from the cliff since then the remainder of his journey would be very successful...

Then taking a glance at the extraordinary journey involved, and looked back into the completely wild fields the beyond; ridgeline flooding in the immense wave of cloud looked like island roaming in water. Through the countless mountains and rolling valleys in the mist, towards that took him far into the world. With a smile of relief, every muscle in his body was tensed, Silver Horse galloped down the canyon like a glimmer of silver! A dove cooedsomewhere among the woods, another bird answered, and the sound mixed with the deep, heartfelt, inward joy and relief that echoed through the air to tell the world they all saw that Silver Horse roamed the earth in searching for this, the die was cast…

In the blue shadow of the chasm, below the rocky wall, there were scattered thousands pieces of detritus. As an echo to Silver Horse’s landing tremble and to response to Silver Horse’s joyful neighing, all rocks were modifying to horses as by magic, as some unyielding life sprouting over the fallen petals from the hibiscus. When they had galloped through the black fir-forest, shattering down the snow-flakes off the trees in slabs, crashing as soon as to the hard ground, the soft ice transformed into snow-white horses too.

Silver Horse worked miracleshead and tail aloft now ; he stopped for while, and wheeled in a moment on the spot reveling in his joy; the other horses fell into place behind him dense as a moving surface with all different colors, wavered, from black to light chestnut; their heads pressed against the backs of the horses in front, the wind from sky making their long hair fly. While they crossing a ford, rocky riverbeds, then full filled with the pounding of thousands galloping hooves from the river of horses, just like colorful raging torrents that went coursing through the rocky flatland, the surging current swollen this river, cutting away a little more of the landscape ...then stretched as far as the eye could see along the undulated sandy plains towards its far-off place. It was a joyful dream journey.

But Silver Horse was nowhere in sight.

Legend had it that he had galloped to the edge of the land, on the murmuring sea. There was water to the horizon. Facing the open sea, and heard a sound over the rush and hiss of the tide andhis nostrils flaring, sniffing water and the smell of the salty air, he blinked meekly at an immense sea with his calm strength and black shining eyes; sweat trickled down his satin of the coat, dripped to the golden curl of sand. He dropped head and as if sniffing the sands; small waves on the sands, went up a little, down a little and the sea never returning to the same beach. He left one front hoof off, seeing the water seep into the sand. A cool wind tickles the swells. Three gulls sat on the soft shoulder of a swell; and a few free gull feathers floated on the face of the sea, and yet going with good tide. The sun had set long since, received by plump, cushiony clouds above the dark blue sea. Gazing at the scenes, and felt those clouds and sea enveloping him and he could feel its pulse, its breath, its cry, its dream. Between the salt water and the sea strand certainly this was something beyond the many winds of the sea, for him was new and familiar, and also considering what it means to belong, to become part of something , yet was part of the sea; why not? Just as tale as old as time, true as it could be.

Silver Horse then strolled through the gallery forest. Stood on the back of the horse a pair of birds their wings round each other’s waist and singing along. Then he made his return journey to the rough mountainous terrain. Soon yet he won the most veneration upon the lofty mountain peaks from his fellow horses and those little woodland animals.

From then on, as often as the morning sun and sun sets, a foal stood at jagged mountain peaks, watching clouds drifting by. Over the moment, her eyes still looked, scanning the world, in deep thought, seemed to witness a million years gone by , and she was curious about that far beyond the highest mountains, that beyond the far end of one concealed valley. Feeling the wind blew her red mane forward, partly covering both sides of his forehead, behind mane her coal black eyes  picturedas if having a thought from her ancestors as if receiving a beam of light which engrave freedom on a soulfrom jagged mountain peaks down a meandering slope, beyond the far end of one concealed valley; there were the rocky flatlands and the sandy plains, where the sun was dipping into the sea, where the rain falling over wavelets and their hilly crests ,where beyond the many winds of salt water and strand, something new and familiar certainly to her, being close, so stalwart and amicable and full of tender feelings. And the calling from them as like the wind coming from the deeper sky…

Every now and then as the Silver Horse’s blood in her veins and so having a dream of the same kindred so Red Horse had galloped this earth, passing by the woods, hooves pounding the dirt left the sound breaking the quit of the mountainside. In early dawn her long flowing mane on the wind …She was eager and green and young… As a beautiful and untamable creature.



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