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英語中用 11–Phrase(片句):
作者:李潤輝  发布日期:2013-04-03 02:00:00  浏览次数:7325
Phrase (片句) :
Phrase 是一句裏面的一組字,在句子裏面擔當輔佐作用。Phrase (片句) 和上一課介紹的 Clause (分句) 的主要分別就是:phrase 沒有能自成一句的動詞。
它和 clause 相同的地方就是:它也可以是形容詞(adjective),形容動詞(adverb) 或 名詞(noun) 。下面舉出這三種 phrase 的例子:
Adjective phrase (形容詞片句):
·        I only eat apples without its skin.
‘without its skin’ 是用以形容 ‘apples’
·        Full of confidence, the boxer defeated his opponent.
‘Full of confidence’  是用以形容 ‘the boxer’
·        Humiliated by the protesters, the police went wild.
‘Humiliated by the protesters’ 是用以形容 ‘the police’
你也許會問我:剛才說phrase 裏面沒有動詞,但humiliated不就是動詞嗎?
請留意雖然 humiliate 這字是動詞,但 humiliated by… 仍未能成為完整的動詞。在被動語態裏,要加上代名動詞 (Verb to be)  才是完整 (將來會詳細解釋),假若我們說  The police was humiliated by… 則是完整的動詞了。
·        Waiting for his friend, he became impatient.
‘Waiting for his friend’ 是用以形容 ‘he’
·        Anyone without a licence will be fined.
‘without a licence’ 是用以形容 ‘Anyone’
·        He looked sad, unlike his former self.
‘unlike his former self’ 是用以形容 ‘He’
Adverb phrase (形容動詞片句):
·        I will wait for you until midnight.
‘until midnight’ 是用以形容 ‘wait for you’
·        Fishing is not allowed next to the park.
‘next to the park’ 是用以形容 ‘not allowed’
·        Like a mad dog, he lunged at the crowd.
‘Like a mad dog’ 是用以形容 ‘lunged at the crowd’
·        She sings those songs with great charm.
‘with great charm’ 是用以形容 ‘sings those songs’
·        Don’t wipe your mouth with the tea-towel!
‘with the tea-towel’ 是用以形容 ‘wipe your mouth’
Noun phrase (名詞片句):
 (像 noun clause 一樣,在句子裏 noun phrase可以被‘it’代替而仍是完整的一句)
·        Watching the baby makes me laugh.
‘Watching the baby’ 就是 noun phrase。
·        You have not seen the end of this.
‘the end of this’ 就是 noun phrase。
·        Once a week is not enough exercise.
‘Once a week’ 就是 noun phrase。
·        Pigs like wallowing in mud.
‘wallowing in mud’ 就是 noun phrase。
·        Learning English is not that hard.
‘Learning English’ 就是 noun phrase。
這些都是 ‘noun phrase。


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